A WordPress Plugin that generates a Markdown list of links to your latest posts. Useful for driving traffic back to your blog from Medium or Dev.to
For now, to install and use, go to the GitHub Releases for the plugin and click "Zip" on the latest version.
Log in to your WordPress install and go to Plugins > Add New
. Then hit Upload Plugin
and select the zip you just downloaded.
Tada! It should be installed.
Once installed, go to Tools > Recent Posts Markdown. Select what post type, and how many posts to include and hit submit!
It will output something like this:
## Recent Posts
* [Something](http://localhost/blank/projects/something/)
* [Lololol](http://localhost/blank/projects/lololol/)
* [Blah Blah Blah](http://localhost/blank/projects/blah-blah-blah/)