RadBench is a radiology benchmark framework developed by Harrison.ai. It is designed to evaluate the performance of Harrison.ai's foundational radiology model, harrison.rad.1
, against other competitive models in the field. The framework employs a rigorous evaluation methodology across three distinct datasets to ensure the models are thoroughly assessed for clinical relevance, accuracy, and case comprehension. These datasets are:
RadBench Dataset: A new visual question-answering dataset designed by Harrison.ai to benchmark radiology models.
VQA-RAD Dataset: A visual question-answering dataset for radiology, available at Nature Datasets.
Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) 2B Examination: Curated for the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) Rapids 2B exam, obtained from third parties to ensure fairness in our evaluation process.
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python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
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make install
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make serve