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Sprint 3

Lauren Qurashi edited this page May 23, 2019 · 1 revision

Everything Else

Features we implemented in Sprint 3:

  • CSS - super cute styling of all our buttons and such. This was all thanks to our lovely Bart who is the king of CSS. We used a mix of bootstrap and CSS sheets. Instructions on how to use bootstrap can be found on their web page.

  • OCR stuff - Andy got all keen with adding a feature that scanned a recipe book page. God knows how this was done, Andy found something cool for this.

  • User cookbooks - Users have their own record of recipes they like or want to try. This was just a case of making a ruby model that holds the user id and the recipe id. When you favourite something, it creates a new entry in the db, then pulls that info when showing your cookbook.

  • Likes and favourites buttons. Users can like a recipe or favourite it if they want to keep it. This was longer than we thought, In the end, we used active records count/order features to add a like to a recipe. When something is liked, it adds an entry to the like table in the db.

  • Adding pictures to recipes (Self-explanatory). Harry spent his time on this, He updated all of rails so that the Active Storage would accept a photo. Then, he had to link an AWS db to Heroku to show the pictures on the deployed site, as Heroku would delete a photo if it's not used for more than half an hour.

  • Page ordered by likes. Added a counter to the recipes table to keep track of how many likes a post has then updated the controller to order the recipes by the most to least likes.

  • Added cooking time and portion sizes.

  • General tweaking.

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