AppGyver Steroids is like PhoneGap on Steroids, providing native UI elements, multiple WebViews and enhancements for better developer productivity.
- Node.js and NPM package management
- Git
Once your environment is set up, run
$ [sudo] npm install steroids -g
Xcode (and OS X platform) is not required, but installing Xcode on OS X gives you iOS Simulator. Xcode is available for download at the Mac App Store.
If you are having issues with the install, you should maybe remove your (old) node installation and install the latest node. There is a script to help with that.
$ steroids create tutorial directory_name
$ cd directory_name
$ steroids connect
More usage information is available in
$ steroids usage
Steroids comes bundled with Weinre.
$ steroids debug
Starts Weinre server and opens your browser. Once devices are connected, you can select a target document to inspect from the first page.
We want to get your feedback, send it to [email protected]