1.0.0 (2024-01-22)
- add a preloader aniamtion (e95058d)
- add card around the gaps chart (#174) (019a89b)
- add explanation at the top of dashboard page (#287) (0023217)
- add filter on worst buses (#54) (32b5792)
- add home-page files and temp route (#403) (2a5bacc)
- add skeleton animation at dashboard (779b906)
- add storybook (#196) (c29b7f2)
- add support for dark & light themes (#335) (ee8a31d)
- add titles to gaps-page (#370) (9c9f563)
- add widget component (#283) (1d6d636)
- ArriveByTimeChart scroll snapping (#392) (9e61022)
- auto complaint generation (#136) (73110bc)
- change mobile menu to use drawer (#201) (34167c9)
- collapsible menu (#215) (6e29b9d)
- create line profile page (#216) (64e43ea)
- create research route (#307) (244b222)
- date picker component show invalid dates warning (#398) (aac6720)
- Disable mobile-only media query (#332) (089d800)
- easter language toggle (#289) (a9caac9)
- error page (#301) (a2f93ea)
- finish bug report form creation (#411) (320bfbc)
- Format dates to ArriveByTimeChart (#391) (3a2f85a)
- Gaps patterns page created (#44) (f386f62)
- improve design of about page (#290) (146b281)
- improve sidebar & logo design (#137) (22df36e)
- input validation alert for start & end date (#366) (76fc3d8)
- made logo white on dark mode (#397) (43a232c)
- map expand button for mobile (#302) (242e949)
- modify StoryBook secret easteregg design (#228) (0528f2f)
- save search params to url (371993c)
- Translation of the remaining untranslated text on the About page (#399) (d60a777)
- updated the about icon in sidebar (#360) (3a27ce1)
- useVehicleLocations: support operatorRef (#96) (7567de5)
Bug Fixes
if always
for upload playwright artifacts (3539dc7)- about page (d7b1ae7)
- about page (74cadef)
- add debounce to ResponsiveContainer. (1fa8d3c)
- alt text (7001c95)
- build (3a5916f)
- build (f49d609)
- cancel request when input get clear (#325) (6c1b182)
- collapsible menu slowness (4e6eac8)
- corrected sortBy toggle values (#178) (1b74457)
- cr (896f04f)
- dark theme styling issue in BugReportForm.tsx (#381) (bbad0d9)
- datetime validation (#117) (be8ecb0)
- debounce bug (0916be0)
- Description of the purpose of the form. (43723f1)
- design file link (#88) (1da3d79)
- dockerfile to vite build (#94) (a3493bb)
- duplicate scrolling bug (#372) (63fdd9f)
- Dynamic display on mobile (b212723)
- Fequency term. (48a6a8a)
- historicPage: remove redundant labels at mobile view (#330) (cb9c288)
- inputs sizes at gaps patterns page (#239) (fa67f0c)
- issue creation link (#241) (7a400cb)
- lint (e732fd4)
- lint (fa76e7a)
- lint (b812bf9)
- lint issues (4f25597)
- locale direction (#385) (ee93af2)
- make input labels visible at dark mode (#424) (536f807)
- make top input label visible at singleLine page (#420) (9368bdb)
- mobile: hide input labels at realtimeMap page (#281) (1a259f7)
- mobile: make byhour filter like others (#163) (8a18282)
- Nested css rules (c464422)
- no s3 upload failing on forks (42a0395)
- Not implemented message and comment. (7634cb0)
- print to summary (a2365b9)
- remove duplicate title & description (#384) (c220b7a)
- remove node.js code from browser context (#87) (5968cb3)
- remove unnecessary search params (#89) (16e4eac)
- repair CI pipeline (#93) (25e80e3)
- replace tooltip class by ant icon (#351) (76aac34)
- Request type. (6f08727)
- restore dayTimeCahrt operator filtering (#276) (819ea8c)
- route times (622ea0b)
- single line map page (ddd3633)
- single line map page (#121) (6868ee8)
- storybook (#387) (cbb3a7f)
- style: remove extra space at top-pages (#363) (05e9683)
- svg typescript problem (79c0601)
- syntax (7066a81)
- syntax (f02e565)
- tests (3cae310)
- tests (3e28b89)
- tests (8443c7a)
- text (2532905)
- text (8971fba)
- text in menu (gaps_patterns_page_title) (#157) (f8a07c2)
- texts (8fc2a9d)
- title (da3f4a9)
- title (990615e)
- type (fa8f6a3)
- type (cd82d5f)
- typing problems (12d5c13)
- typo (48ca942)
- typo (12ce25e)
- useCallback for GitHub link onClick (#344) (90b650e)