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haschek edited this page Dec 7, 2011 · 1 revision

Using PubwichFork with a proxy server

As Pubwich is using cURL to fetch all data, you can use all cURL proxy settings:

  • PUBWICH_PROXY: The HTTP proxy to tunnel requests through.
  • PUBWICH_PROXYPORT: the port number of the proxy to connect to.
  • PUBWICH_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL: true to tunnel through a given HTTP proxy.
  • PUBWICH_PROXYAUTH: The HTTP authentication method(s) to use for the proxy connection.For proxy authentication, only CURLAUTH_BASIC and CURLAUTH_NTLM are currently supported.
  • PUBWICH_PROXYUSERPWD: A username and password formatted as [username]:[password] to use for the connection to the proxy.

For a simple proxy server without authentification you probably only need to configure the first two options.

// Using a Proxy
define( 'PUBWICH_PROXY', '');
define( 'PUBWICH_PROXYPORT', '3128');
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