Afloat Client Api
This client api is used to provide methods to interact with gatedMarketplace, uniques and fruniques pallets and go through Afloat specific flow.
To install the afloat-client-api, run the following command:
npm i --save @jmgayosso/afloat-client
yarn add @jmgayosso/afloat-client
To connect to 'hashed chain' through Hashed Confidential Docs we must import HCD package hashed-confidential-docs-client that handles the connection and provides methods to sign tx, login, requestUsers from polkadotJS and sign and verify messages.
To install hcd run the following command.
npm i --save @smontero/hashed-confidential-docs
yarn add @smontero/hashed-confidential-docs
The following is an example of basic config to create HCD instance, please see HCD documentation to more configs.
import {
} from '@smontero/hashed-confidential-docs'
import { Keyring } from '@polkadot/api'
const _polkadot = new Polkadot({ wss: chainURI, appName })
await _polkadot.connect()
const keyring = new Keyring()
const faucet = new LocalAccountFaucet({
balancesApi: new BalancesApi(this._polkadot._api, () => {}),
signer: keyring.addFromUri(this._signer, {}, 'sr25519'),
amount: 1000000000
const _hcd = new HashedConfidentialDocs({
ipfsURL: _ipfsURL,
polkadot: _polkadot,
ipfsAuthHeader: _ipfsAuthHeader
HCD is requeried to create an instance of AfloatApi, this class provides the following methods: createAssets, getAllAssetsInCollection, getAssets, getFromIpfs.
import { AfloatApi } from '@jmgayosso/afloat-client'
const ipfsURL = `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${process.env.IPFS_PROJECT_ID}:${process.env.IPFS_PROJECT_SECRET}`).toString('base64')}`
const afloatApi = new AfloatApi({
ipfsURL: process.env.IPFS_URL,
polkadot: _polkadot
Once an instance of AfloatApi is created, the following methods can be accessed.
createAsset: Create a new frunique/NFT asset.
- @param {u64} collectionId Collection ID used in the uniques pallet; represents a group of Uniques
- @param {u64} assetId [optional] Asset ID used in the uniques pallet; represents a single asset. If not provided, the next available unique ID will be automatically selected.
- @param {Object} uniquesPublicAttributes mapping of key/value pairs to be set in the public metadata in the uniques pallet
- @param {Object} saveToIPFS payload and/or files to be saved to IPFS, and the resulting CIDs are added to the uniquesPublicMetadata, anchoring the data to the NFT.
- @param {Object} cidFromHCD cidFromHCD cid got from the ConfidentialDocs API
- @param {Function} subTrigger Function to trigger when subscrsption detect changes
await afloatApi.createAsset({ "collectionId": undefined, "assetId": 0, "uniquesPublicAttributes": { "Lorem ": "Plaintext" }, "saveToIPFS": { "data": { "label2": "ipfs plain" }, "files": { "label 3": "cid" } }, "cidFromHCD": { "data": { "label4": "cid saved on HCD" }, "files": { "label5": "cid saved on HCD" } }, admin })
To save a file in HCD you must go from HCD Documentation
getAllAssetsInCollection: Get all assets in collection.
- @param {u64} collectionId Collection ID used in the uniques pallet; represents a group of Uniques
- @param {u64} startKey Asset ID, index, or key to start the query
- @param {int} pageSize maximum number of assets to retrieve per request
- @param {Function} subTrigger Function to trigger when subscription detect changes
await afloatApi.getAllAssetsInCollection({ collectionId, startKey, pageSize })
getAsset: Get a specific asset by collectionId.
- @param {String} [collectionId] Collection Id
- @param {String} [instanceId] Instance Id
await afloatApi.getAsset({ collectionId, instanceId })
getFromIPFS: Get Text or File from IPFS.
- @param {String} [cid] Unique IPFS identifier
await afloatApi.getFromIPFS(cid)