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Hedera JSON RPC Relay

Build Latest Version RPC API Methods RPC API Methods Discord Made With License


Implementation of an Ethereum JSON RPC APIs for Hedera Hashgraph. Utilises both Hedera Consensus Nodes and Mirror nodes to support RPC queries as defined in the JSON RPC Specification



You must have installed

We also recommend installing the "prettier" plugin in IntelliJ.


From the root of the project workspace:

  1. Run npm install. This will create populate and link node_modules.
  2. Run npm run build. This will clean and compile the relay library and the server.
  3. Run npm run start. This will start the server on port 7546.

Alternatively, after npm install, from within the IDE, you should see the Start Relay Microservice run configuration. You should be able to just run that configuration, and it should start the server on port 7546.



First ensure newman is installed locally using npm, then execute newman.

npm install -g newman
newman run packages/server/tests/postman.json --env-var baseUrl=http://localhost:7546

To enable Postman test to run via helm deployment add

  enabled: true
  schedule: '@daily' #How often to run the Postman test
  baseUrl: "" # Relay URL to run the test against

Acceptance Tests

The relay has a suite of acceptance tests that may be run to confirm E2E operation of the relay in either a hedera-local-node or deployed env.


The JSON RPC Relay offers multiple environment variable configuration porperties to configure the relay for appropriate use. More details can be found at Configuration As in the case of a fully deployed relay the acceptance tests utilize the .env file. See the Configuration for setup details.

Note: Read more about DEV_MODE which provides optimal local and developer testing configurations here

The following table highlights some initial configuration values to consider

Config Default Description
CHAIN_ID 0x12a The network chain id. Local and previewnet envs should use 0x12a (298). Previewnet, Testnet and Mainnet should use 0x129 (297), 0x128 (296) and 0x127 (295) respectively
HEDERA_NETWORK `` Which network to connect to. Automatically populates the main node & mirror node endpoints. Can be MAINNET, PREVIEWNET, TESTNET or OTHER
MIRROR_NODE_URL `` The Mirror Node API endpoint. Official endpoints are Previewnet (, Testnet (, Mainnet ( See Mirror Node REST API


Tests may be run using the following command

npm run acceptancetest


The Relay supports Docker image building and Docker Compose container management using the provided Dockerfile and docker-compose files.

NOTE: docker compose is for development purposes only.

Bumping version

In order to bump version for all packages and files altogether there is an npm task called 'bump-version' that needs a parameter called semver and optional parameter snapshot with the version to bump and boolean respectively:

npm run bump-version --semver=0.21.0-rc1 --snapshot=true

snapshot parameter is false by default.

Image Build (optional)

A new docker image may be created from a local copy of the repo. Run the following command, substituting <owner> as desired

docker build -t <owner>/hedera-json-rpc-relay .

After building, the image may be tagged by running the following command, substituting <version> as desired

docker tag <owner>/hedera-json-rpc-relay:latest

NOTE: image is tagged using to agree with docker compose. Modify build commands or file as needed.


The relay application currently utilizes dotenv to manage configurations. Key values are pulled from a .env file and reference as process.env.<KEY> in the application.

To modify the default values

  1. Rename .env.example file to .env
  2. Populate the expected fields
  3. Update the relay service volumes section in the docker-compose file from ./.env.sample:/home/node/app/.env.sample to ./.env:/home/node/app/.env

Custom values provided will now be incorporated on startup of the relay


To start the relay, a docker container may be created using the following command

docker compose up -d

NOTE: If you encounter unauthorized when pulling image, then ensure you're logged in with docker login or use a personal access token to authorize your login.

By default the relay will be made accessible on port 7546 and the websocket server - on port 8546

Request Test

The following curl commands may be used to quickly test a running relay instance is function

From a command prompt/terminal run the command

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"2","method":"eth_chainId","params":[null]}' http://localhost:7546

The expected response should be {"result":"0x12a","jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"2"} Where the result value matches the .env CHAIN_ID configuration value or the current deault value of 298

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"2","method":"eth_gasPrice","params":[null]}' http://localhost:7546

The expected response should be of the form {"result":"0x10bc1576c00","jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"2"} Where result returns a valid hexadecimal number

Helm Chart

This repos charts directory contains the templates and values to deploy Hedera's json-rpc relay to a K8s cluster. This directory is packaged and distributed via helm repo. To get started, first install the helm repo:

helm repo add hedera-json-rpc-relay
helm repo update

now install the helm chart:

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] charts/hedera-json-rpc -f /path/to/values.yaml

To see the values that have been deployed:

helm show values hedera-json-rpc-relay

Deploy an installation with custom values file:

helm install custom-hedera-json-rpc-relay -f path/to/values/file.yaml ./charts/hedera-json-rpc --debug
Deploy Helm Chart locally on minikube
  1. Minikube must be running and the set context
  2. requires authorization to pull the image. This auth will require a Github PAT to be generated
  • Acquire PAT, username, and, (primary) email address from Github.
  • Manually create a secret on kubernetes with the following command. The $ must be replaced
    kubectl create secret docker-registry ghcr-registry-auth \
    --docker-server= \
    --docker-username=$GH_USERNAME \
    --docker-password=$GH_PAT \
  1. Deploy this helm chart with the addtional environment/minikube.yaml file
helm upgrade -f environments/minkube.yaml jrpc-test ./
  1. Port forward the pod IP to localhost
kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 7546:7546

The hedera-json-rpc-relay ships with a metrics endpoint at /metrics. Here is an example scrape config that can be used by prometheus:

        - job_name: hedera-json-rpc
          honor_timestamps: true
          scrape_interval: 15s
          scrape_timeout: 10s
          scheme: http
          metrics_path: /metrics
            - role: pod
            - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip, __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number ]
              action: replace
              target_label: __address__
              regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
              replacement: $1:$2
            - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
              action: replace
              target_label: namespace
            - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
              action: replace
              target_label: pod

Please note that the /metrics endpoint is also a default scrape configurations for prometheus. The job_name of kubernetes-pods is generally deployed as a default with prometheus; in the case where this scrape_config is present metrics will start getting populated by that scrape_config and no other configurations are necessary.


Grafana JSON Dashboards can be used as the dashboard for hedera-json-rpc-relay.


If you have a question on how to use the product, please see our support guide.


Contributions are welcome. Please see the contributing guide to see how you can get involved.

Code of Conduct

This project is governed by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code of conduct. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].


Apache License 2.0