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Instagram Clone


This clone is made completely using Flutter & Firebase, It has all the functionalities which the real instagram has,

  • Email Authentication
  • Upload posts
  • Make comments on post
  • Like posts & comments
  • And many more basic functionalities...

What it doesn't contain is,

  • Posting Stories
  • Uploading reels
  • Messaging functionality
  • Notifications functionality

The above mentioned functionalities will be released in future, till then stay tuned..

Tech Stack used to build this clone

Which firebase facilities were used ?

  • Firebase FireStore

  • Firebase Storage

  • Firebase Authentication

Screenshots (Mobile)

Getting started

Steps to get started

  1. Fork the repository on your account by clicking the fork button on the top right side corner

  2. After forking successfully, Open terminal and clone the repository on your local machine git clone<your-username>/Instagram-Clone-Flutter

  3. After cloning the repository successfully, Navigate to the folder cd Instagram-Clone-flutter

  4. Run flutterfire configure to configure the project with your firestore database

  5. After that run flutter pub get to get all the packages used in the app

  6. To run the application on app, Plug in your mobile device and turn on USB debugging, If you don't know how to enable it, check out now

  7. After plugging in your mobile successfully, Run flutter run and it will be up and running on your device

To test the sample apk: download

Happy Fluttering 😃


Instagram clone using Flutter & Firebase






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