Tools to facilitate Synteny analysis using SynMap
- This script inverts nucleotide sequences in a multi-contig FASTA file by generating their reverse complement.
- This script prepares a GFF file with inverted coordinates. It requires an input GFF3 file along with the associated nucleotide FASTA file to correctly compute the inverted positions and strands.
- Outputs a new FASTA file with reverse-complemented sequences.
- Outputs a new GFF3 file with inverted coordinates and strand information.
You can use the command from agat package to modify the generated inverted gff files for SynMap compatibility: --gff inverted_gff -o Synmap_compatible_inverted_gff
This script extract cds based on an input of GFF3 and corresponding nucelotide FASTA file, then translate the cds to amino acids (AA).
-Nucelotide FASTA file representing identified cds.
-AA FASTA file representing the translated cds.
The scripts rely on Biopython for functionality.
with conda:
conda install -c conda-forge biopython