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DEV-1022 Remove Determinations Breakdown page
  • Loading branch information
moseshll authored Jan 22, 2024
2 parents 52ee58a + 801e449 commit 99ddb81
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Showing 7 changed files with 1 addition and 432 deletions.
266 changes: 0 additions & 266 deletions cgi/
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Expand Up @@ -748,9 +748,6 @@ sub ProcessReviews
$sql = 'INSERT INTO processstatus VALUES ()';
$self->PrepareSubmitSql('DELETE FROM predeterminationsbreakdown WHERE date=DATE(NOW())');
$sql = 'INSERT INTO predeterminationsbreakdown (date,s2,s3,s4,s8) VALUES (DATE(NOW()),?,?,?,?)';
$self->PrepareSubmitSql($sql, $stati{2}, $stati{3}, $stati{4}, $stati{8});

# Returns a data structure with the following fields:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -889,7 +886,6 @@ sub ClearQueueAndExport
push @export, $_->[0] for @{$double};
$self->ExportReviews(\@export, $quiet);
my $msg = sprintf 'Removed from queue: %d matching, %d expert-reviewed, %d auto-resolved, %d inherited',
scalar @{$double}, scalar @{$expert}, scalar @{$auto}, scalar @{$inh};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4154,30 +4150,6 @@ sub CreateExportData
push @{$data{$title}}, $self->SimpleSqlGet($sql, @params);
# Append in the Status breakdown
foreach my $status (4 .. 9)
my $title = 'Status '.$status;
push @titles, $title;
$data{$title} = [];
foreach my $date (@dates)
Utilities::ClearArrays(\@clauses, \@params);
$sql = 'SELECT COALESCE(SUM(s'. $status.'),0) FROM determinationsbreakdown';
if ($date =~ m/^\d+/)
push @clauses, $fmt;
push @params, $date;
elsif ($date eq 'Total' && defined $year)
push @clauses, $fmt2;
push @params, $year;
$sql .= ' WHERE '. join ' AND ', @clauses if scalar @clauses;
push @{$data{$title}}, $self->SimpleSqlGet($sql, @params);
# Now that total is available, decorate with percentages.
if ($pct)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4253,227 +4225,6 @@ sub CreateExportReport
return $report;

sub CreatePreDeterminationsBreakdownData
my $self = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $monthly = shift;
my $title = shift;

my ($year,$month) = $self->GetTheYearMonth();
my $titleDate = $self->YearMonthToEnglish("$year-$month");
my $justThisMonth = (!$start && !$end);
$start = "$year-$month-01" unless $start;
my $lastDay = Days_in_Month($year,$month);
$end = "$year-$month-$lastDay" unless $end;
my $what = 'date';
$what = 'DATE_FORMAT(date, "%Y-%m")' if $monthly;
my $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(' . $what . ') FROM predeterminationsbreakdown WHERE date>=? AND date<=?';
#print "$sql<br/>\n";
my @dates = map {$_->[0];} @{$self->SelectAll($sql, $start, $end)};
if (scalar @dates && !$justThisMonth)
my $startEng = $self->YearMonthToEnglish(substr($dates[0],0,7));
my $endEng = $self->YearMonthToEnglish(substr($dates[-1],0,7));
$titleDate = ($startEng eq $endEng)? $startEng:sprintf("%s to %s", $startEng, $endEng);
my $report = ($title)? "$title\n":"Preliminary Determinations Breakdown $titleDate\n";
my @titles = ('Date','Status 2','Status 3','Status 4','Status 8','Total','Status 2','Status 3','Status 4','Status 8');
$report .= join("\t", @titles) . "\n";
my @totals = (0,0,0,0);
foreach my $date (@dates)
my ($y,$m,$d) = split '-', $date;
my $date1 = $date;
my $date2 = $date;
if ($monthly)
$date1 = "$date-01";
my $lastDay = Days_in_Month($y,$m);
$date2 = "$date-$lastDay";
$date = $self->YearMonthToEnglish($date);
my $sql = 'SELECT s2,s3,s4,s8,s2+s3+s4+s8 FROM predeterminationsbreakdown WHERE date LIKE "' . $date1 . '%"';
#print "$sql<br/>\n";
my ($s2,$s3,$s4,$s8,$sum) = @{$self->SelectAll($sql)->[0]};
my @line = ($s2,$s3,$s4,$s8,$sum,0,0,0,0);
next unless $sum > 0;
for (my $i=0; $i < 4; $i++)
$totals[$i] += $line[$i];
for (my $i=0; $i < 4; $i++)
my $pct = 0.0;
eval {$pct = 100.0*$line[$i]/$line[4];};
$line[$i+5] = sprintf('%.1f%%', $pct);
$report .= $date;
$report .= "\t" . join("\t", @line) . "\n";
my $gt = $totals[0] + $totals[1] + $totals[2] + $totals[3];
push @totals, $gt;
for (my $i=0; $i < 5; $i++)
my $pct = 0.0;
eval {$pct = 100.0*$totals[$i]/$gt;};
push @totals, sprintf('%.1f%%', $pct);
$report .= "Total\t" . join("\t", @totals) . "\n";
return $report;

sub CreateDeterminationsBreakdownData
my $self = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $monthly = shift;
my $title = shift;

my ($year,$month) = $self->GetTheYearMonth();
my $titleDate = $self->YearMonthToEnglish("$year-$month");
my $justThisMonth = (!$start && !$end);
$start = "$year-$month-01" unless $start;
my $lastDay = Days_in_Month($year,$month);
$end = "$year-$month-$lastDay" unless $end;
my $what = 'date';
$what = 'DATE_FORMAT(date, "%Y-%m")' if $monthly;
my $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(' . $what . ') FROM determinationsbreakdown WHERE date>=? AND date<=?'.
' ORDER BY date DESC';
#print "$sql<br/>\n";
my @dates = map {$_->[0];} @{$self->SelectAll($sql, $start, $end)};
if (scalar @dates && !$justThisMonth)
my $startEng = $self->YearMonthToEnglish(substr($dates[0],0,7));
my $endEng = $self->YearMonthToEnglish(substr($dates[-1],0,7));
$titleDate = ($startEng eq $endEng)? $startEng:sprintf("%s to %s", $startEng, $endEng);
my $report = ($title)? "$title\n":"Determinations Breakdown $titleDate\n";
my @titles = ('Date','Status 4','Status 5','Status 6','Status 7','Status 8','Subtotal',
'Status 9','Total','Status 4','Status 5','Status 6','Status 7','Status 8');
$report .= join("\t", @titles) . "\n";
my @totals = (0,0,0,0,0,0);
foreach my $date (@dates)
my ($y,$m,$d) = split '-', $date;
my $date1 = $date;
my $date2 = $date;
if ($monthly)
$date1 = $date . '-01';
my $lastDay = Days_in_Month($y,$m);
$date2 = "$date-$lastDay";
$date = $self->YearMonthToEnglish($date);
$sql = 'SELECT SUM(s4),SUM(s5),SUM(s6),SUM(s7),SUM(s8),SUM(s4+s5+s6+s7+s8),SUM(s9),SUM(s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9)' .
' FROM determinationsbreakdown WHERE date>=? AND date<=?';
#print "$sql<br/>\n";
my ($s4,$s5,$s6,$s7,$s8,$sum1,$s9,$sum2) = @{$self->SelectAll($sql, $date1, $date2)->[0]};
my @line = ($s4,$s5,$s6,$s7,$s8,$sum1,$s9,$sum2,0,0,0,0,0);
next unless $sum1 > 0;
for (my $i=0; $i < 5; $i++)
$totals[$i] += $line[$i];
$totals[5] += $line[6];
for (my $i=0; $i < 5; $i++)
my $pct = 0.0;
eval {$pct = 100.0*$line[$i]/$line[5];};
$line[$i+8] = sprintf('%.1f%%', $pct);
$report .= $date;
$report .= "\t". join("\t", @line). "\n";
my $gt1 = $totals[0] + $totals[1] + $totals[2] + $totals[3] + $totals[4];
my $gt2 = $gt1 + $totals[5];
splice @totals, 5, 0, $gt1;
push @totals, $gt2;
for (my $i=0; $i < 5; $i++)
my $pct = 0.0;
eval {$pct = 100.0*$totals[$i]/$gt1;};
push @totals, sprintf('%.1f%%', $pct);
$report .= "Total\t" . join("\t", @totals) . "\n";
return $report;

sub CreateDeterminationsBreakdownReport
my $self = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $monthly = shift;
my $title = shift;
my $pre = shift;

my $data;
my %whichlines = (5=>1,7=>1);
my $span1 = 8;
my $span2 = 5;
if ($pre)
$data = $self->CreatePreDeterminationsBreakdownData($start, $end, $monthly, $title);
%whichlines = (4=>1);
$span1 = 5;
$span2 = 4;
$data = $self->CreateDeterminationsBreakdownData($start, $end, $monthly, $title);
$pre = 0;
my $cols = $span1 + $span2;
my @lines = split "\n", $data;
$title = shift @lines;
$title =~ s/\s/&nbsp;/g;
my $url = $self->Sysify(sprintf("?p=determinationStats;startDate=$start;endDate=$end;%sdownload=1;pre=$pre",($monthly)?'monthly=on;':''));
my $link = sprintf("<a href='$url' target='_blank'>Download</a>",);
my $report = "<h3>$title&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$link</h3>\n";
$report .= "<table class='exportStats'>\n";
$report .= "<tr><th/><th colspan='$span1'><span class='major'>Counts</span></th><th colspan='$span2'><span class='total'>Percentages</span></th></tr>\n";
my $titles = shift @lines;
$report .= ('<tr>' . join('', map {my $tmp = $_; $tmp =~ s/\s/&nbsp;/g; "<th>$tmp</th>";} split("\t", $titles)) . '</tr>');
foreach my $line (@lines)
my @line = split "\t", $line;
my $date = shift @line;
my ($y,$m,$d) = split '-', $date;
$date =~ s/\s/&nbsp;/g;
if ($date eq 'Total')
$report .= "<tr><th style='text-align:right;'>Total</th>";
$report .= "<tr><th>$date</th>";
for (my $i=0; $i < $cols; $i++)
my $class = '';
my $style = ($i==max keys %whichlines)? "style='border-right:double 6px black;'":'';
if ($whichlines{$i} && $date ne 'Total')
$class = 'class="minor"';
elsif ($date ne 'Total')
$class = 'class="total"';
$class = 'class="major"' if $i < max keys %whichlines;
my $val = $line[$i];
$val = '' if $val eq '0' or $val eq '0.0%';
$report .= "<td $class $style>$val</td>\n";
$report .= "</tr>\n";
$report .= "</table>\n";
return $report;

sub GetUserStatsYears
my $self = shift;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4637,23 +4388,6 @@ sub GetMonthStats

sub UpdateDeterminationsBreakdown
my $self = shift;
my $date = shift;

$date = $self->SimpleSqlGet('SELECT CURDATE()') unless $date;
my @vals = ($date);
foreach my $status (4..9)
my $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(gid) FROM exportdata WHERE DATE(time)=? AND status=?';
push @vals, $self->SimpleSqlGet($sql, $date, $status);
my $wcs = $self->WildcardList(scalar @vals);
my $sql = 'REPLACE INTO determinationsbreakdown (date,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9) VALUES '. $wcs;
$self->PrepareSubmitSql($sql, @vals);

sub UpdateExportStats
my $self = shift;
Expand Down
29 changes: 0 additions & 29 deletions cgi/
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Expand Up @@ -43,14 +43,6 @@ sub Download
$search2, $search2value, $startDate, $endDate,
$offset, $records);
elsif ($page eq 'determinationStats')
my $monthly = $cgi->param('monthly');
my $priority = $cgi->param('priority');
my $pre = $cgi->param('pre');
DownloadDeterminationStats($crms, $startDate, $endDate, $monthly,
$priority, $pre);
elsif ($page eq 'exportData')
DownloadExportData($crms, $order, $dir, $search1, $search1value, $op1,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,27 +135,6 @@ sub DownloadCandidates

sub DownloadDeterminationStats
my $crms = shift;
my $startDate = shift;
my $endDate = shift;
my $monthly = shift;
my $priority = shift;
my $pre = shift;

my $buff;
if ($pre)
$buff = $crms->CreatePreDeterminationsBreakdownData($startDate, $endDate, $monthly, undef, $priority);
$buff = $crms->CreateDeterminationsBreakdownData($startDate, $endDate, $monthly, undef, $priority);

sub DownloadExportData
my $crms = shift;
Expand Down
33 changes: 0 additions & 33 deletions cgi/
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Expand Up @@ -61,39 +61,6 @@ sub CreateExportBreakdownGraph
return \%data;

sub CreateDeterminationsBreakdownGraph
my $self = shift;

my %data = ('chart'=>{'type'=>'spline'}, 'title'=>{'text'=>undef},
'xAxis'=>{'categories'=>[], 'labels'=>{'rotation'=>45}},
'yAxis'=>{'min'=>0, 'title'=>{'text'=>'Volumes'}},
my @titles = ('Status 4', 'Status 5', 'Status 6', 'Status 7', 'Status 8', 'Status 9');
my @colors = PickColors(scalar @titles, 1);
my $i = 0;
foreach my $title (@titles)
my $h = {'color'=>$colors[$i], 'name'=>$title, 'data'=>[]};
push @{$data{'series'}}, $h;
$data{'series'}->[$_]->{'color'} = $colors[$_] for (0..2);
my $sql = 'SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date,"%b %Y") AS fmt,SUM(s4),SUM(s5),SUM(s6),SUM(s7),SUM(s8),SUM(s9)'.
' FROM determinationsbreakdown'.
' GROUP BY fmt ORDER BY date ASC';
my $ref = $self->SelectAll($sql);
foreach my $row (@{$ref})
push @{$data{'xAxis'}->{'categories'}}, $row->[0];
push(@{$data{'series'}->[$_]->{'data'}}, int($row->[$_+1])) for (0..5);
return \%data;

sub CreateCandidatesData
my $self = shift;
Expand Down

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