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Glue scripts that connect Zephir, GRIN, and SLIP. Generate Hathifiles, calculate Bibrights, send metadata where it needs to go.


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Post-Zephir Metadata Processing

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A mostly haphazard collection of scripts (Bash, Perl) that take Zephir records, do some clean up and calculate Bib Rights, among other processes.

Parts of these should likely be extracted into their own repositories, or obviated by a re-architecture.


Clone repo using your protocol of choice.

docker compose build

There is no need for a bundle install step as this is taken care of in the Dockerfile.

Run Tests


docker compose run --rm test


docker compose run --rm test bundle exec standardrb
docker compose run --rm test bundle exec rspec

Standard Locations

Post-Zephir can read and write files in a number of locations, and it can become bewildering. Many of the locations (all of them directories) show up again and again. Under Argo these all come from the ENV provided to the workflow. Under Docker the locations are not so scattered, and all orient themselves to ENV[ROOTDIR]. The shell scripts rely on config/defaults to fill in many of these variables; the Ruby scripts expect that the environment variables set by config/defaults are present.

TODO: can we use dotenv and .env in both the shell scripts and the Ruby code, and get rid of config/defaults? Or can we translate config/defaults into Ruby and invoke it from the driver?

ENV Standard Location Docker/Default Location
CATALOG_ARCHIVE /htapps/archive/catalog DATA_ROOT/catalog_archive
CATALOG_PREP /htsolr/catalog/prep DATA_ROOT/catalog_prep
DATA_ROOT /htprep/zephir ROOTDIR/data
FEDDOCS_HOME /htprep/govdocs DATA_ROOT/govdocs
INGEST_BIBRECORDS /htapps/babel/feed/var/bibrecords DATA_ROOT/ingest_bibrecords
RIGHTS_DIR /htapps/babel/feed/var/rights DATA_ROOT/rights
ROOTDIR (not used) /usr/src/app

Additional derivative paths are set by config/defaults, typically from the daily or monthly shell script.

ENV Standard/Default/Docker Location Note
REPORTS DATA_ROOT/reports unused
RIGHTS_DBM DATA_ROOT/rights_dbm this is a file
ZEPHIR_DATA DATA_ROOT/zephir (daily)

  • Process daily file of new/updated/deleted metadata provided by Zephir
  • Send deleted bib record IDs (provided by Zephir) to catalog indexer
  • "Clean up" zephir records (what does this mean?)
  • (re)determine bibliographic rights
    • Write new/updated bib rights to file for to pick up and update the rights db
  • File of processed new/updated records is copied to a location for the catalog indexer to find it
  • Retrieves full bib metadata file from zephir and runs (It does?? I don't think so.)


The new/updated/deleted metadata provided by Zephir needs to make it to the catalog, and eventually into the rights database.

Data In

  • ht_bib_export_incr_YYYY-MM-DD.json.gz (incremental updates from Zephir, ftps_zephir_get)
  • vufind_removed_cids_YYYY-MM-DD.txt.gz (CIDs that have gone away, ftps_zephir_get)
  • DATA_ROOT/rights_dbm (local copy of Rights DB ht_rights.rights_current)
  • ROOTDIR/data/us_cities.db (dependency for
  • ENV[us_fed_pub_exception_file] (optional dependency for

Data Out

Many files are named based on the BASENAME variable which is "zephir_upd_YYYYMMDD." Files are typically created in TMPDIR and moved/renamed from there.

AFAICT, Verifier should only be interested in files outside TMPDIR, with the possible exception of TMPDIR/vufind_incremental_YYYY-MM-DD_dollar_dup.txt.gz.

File Notes
CATALOG_ARCHIVE/zephir_upd_YYYYMMDD.json.gz From gzipped and copied (not moved) by shell script
CATALOG_PREP/zephir_upd_YYYYMMDD.json.gz Same file as above, removed from TMPDIR after being copied to the two destinations
CATALOG_PREP/zephir_upd_YYYYMMDD_delete.txt.gz Created as TMPDIR/BASENAME_all_delete.txt.gz combining two files (see below)
RIGHTS_DIR/zephir_upd_YYYYMMDD.rights From moved from TMPDIR
ROOTDIR/data/zephir/debug_current.txt Commented out at end of monthly script. Should be removed.
TMPDIR/vufind_incremental_YYYY-MM-DD_dollar_dup.txt.gz Created as TMPDIR/BASENAME_dollar_dup.txt, renamed and sent to Zephir
TMPDIR/zephir_upd_YYYYMMDD_delete.txt From usually empty list of 974-less CIDs, merged with vufind_removed_cids
TMPDIR/zephir_upd_YYYYMMDD.rights.debug From, if no one is using this it should be removed
TMPDIR/zephir_upd_YYYYMMDD_rpt.txt Log data from
TMPDIR/zephir_upd_YYYYMMDD_stderr STDERR from, if no one is using this it should be removed
TMPDIR/zephir_upd_YYYYMMDD_zephir_delete.txt Intermediate file from vufind_removed_cids_... before merge with our deletes, remove?

Perl script dependencies

  • (builds /tmp/rights_dbm)

Bash script dependencies

  • ftps_zephir_get
  • ftps_zephir_send
  • (monthly)

  • Pulls a full bib metadata file from zephir
  • Moves groove_full.tsv.gz to /htapps/babel/feed/var/bibrecords
  • Assembles zephir_ingested_items.txt.gz and moves to /htapps/babel/feed/var/bibrecords
  • Processes the full zephir file:
    • Splits input file and runs multiple invocations of in parallel
    • Generate new/updated bib rights


Previously generated the HTRC datasets. All that remains is the zephir_ingested_items and bib rights.

Data In

  • ht_bib_export_full_YYYY-MM-DD.json.gz (monthly updates from Zephir, ftps_zephir_get) Note: this file is deleted by the unpigz command that splits it into smaller files to process in parallel.
  • Note: there is no monthly "removed CIDs" or "deletes" files, these are only in the daily updates.
  • US Fed Doc exception list /htdata/govdocs/feddocs_oclc_filter/oclcs_removed_from_registry.txt
  • DATA_ROOT/rights_dbm (local copy of Rights DB ht_rights.rights_current)
  • groove_export_YYYY-MM-DD.tsv.gz (ftps from cdlib)

Data Out

File Notes
INGEST_BIBRECORDS/groove_full.tsv.gz Downloaded as groove_export_YYYY-MM-DD.tsv.gz and moved, contents are not modified
INGEST_BIBRECORDS/zephir_ingested_items.txt.gz From, TSV of {htid, source, collection, digitization_source, ia_id}
CATALOG_ARCHIVE/zephir_full_YYYYMMDD_vufind.json.gz Concatenated from parallel-processed files, gzipped and moved by shell script
CATALOG_PREP/zephir_full_YYYYMMDD_vufind.json.gz Same file as above, copied to CATALOG_PREP before being moved to CATALOG_ARCHIVE
RIGHTS_DIR/zephir_full_YYYYMMDD.rights From moved from TMPDIR
TMPDIR/stderr.tmp.txt Concatenated from subfiles' STDERR
TMPDIR/zephir_full_YYYYMMDD.rights.debug From, if no one is using this it should be removed
ZEPHIR_DATA/full/zephir_full_monthly_rpt.txt Concatenated from subfiles and moved from TMPDIR
ZEPHIR_DATA/full/zephir_full_YYYYMMDD.rights_rpt.tsv Concatenated from subfiles and moved from TMPDIR

Perl script dependencies


Bash script dependencies

  • ftps_zephir_get
  • ftps_zephir_send

Running Tests

Tests with limited coverage can be run with Docker.

docker compose build
docker compose up -d
docker compose run --rm pz perl t/test_postZephir.t

For test coverage, replace the previous docker compose run with

docker compose run --rm pz bash -c "perl -MDevel::Cover=-silent,1 t/*.t && cover -nosummary /usr/src/app/cover_db"


Glue scripts that connect Zephir, GRIN, and SLIP. Generate Hathifiles, calculate Bibrights, send metadata where it needs to go.





