Change the Daily Quest expiration (make it never expire, expire after 5 days, etc)
Make any tile tillable (so you can use your hoe on it)
Allow your junimos (from junimo huts) to automatically plant seeds, fertilize, and much more!
RegisterJunimoAbility(IJunimoAbility junimoAbility) // add a custom Junimo ability
* Provides abilities for Junimos
public interface IJunimoAbility {
* What is the name of this ability
String AbilityName();
* Is the action available at the position? E.g. is the crop ready to harvest
bool IsActionAvailable(Farm farm, Vector2 pos);
* Action to take if it is available, return false if action failed
bool PerformAction(Farm farm, Vector2 pos, JunimoHarvester junimo, Chest chest);
* Does this action require an item (SObject.SeedsCategory, etc)?
* Return 0 if no item needed
int RequiredItem();
GetJunimoHutMaxRadius() // int: max radius
GetJunimoHutMaxJunimos() // int: max junimos
GetJunimoAbilities() // Dictionary<string, bool>: enabled abilities
GetWereJunimosPaidToday() // bool: did the user pay the junimos today