A Mod Manager For NeosModLoader.
Easily install mods and maintain them with ease.
About • Features • Limiations • Building and Development
Want to give it a try? Click here2022-11-12.22-35-43.mp4
- No installation Required! (100% Web based)
- Accessible by a Single Link
- Search for all available mods
- Install and uninstall mods without hassle
- Update your mods with one click
- Responsive design
- Filter by installed, updates and categories
- Dark mode Toggle
- View Changelogs
- Browse Mods without installing them. (Alternative to neosmodloader.com)
- Disable/Enable Mods
- A Progressive Web App
- Ablity to Downgrade mods
- Install Dependencies automatically
- Install NeosModLoader right from the manager.
- Get instant Notifications about mod updates
- Drag and drop integration (initial setup)
- Display unknown/private mods
- i18 (Internationalization)
- Due to nature of how File System Access API is implemented in the browsers, NeosVR Mod Manager requires a user interaction on each page load to be able to access local files.
- Editing Mode is currently not supported in Firefox (Check here)
- Downloads are proxied via a cloudflare worker due to CORS limitation.
- Sveltekit
- Tailwind CSS + Flowbite CSS Components
- Cloudflare Pages (Workers)
Having to keep up with mod updates and installing them was too much of a manual process. That's why I ended up making this.
- Neos Modding Group - for maintaining an awesome up-to-date list of mods that the mod manager is built upon.
- @ThaUnknown - helped me figure out how the new Web File API works.
- @Sox-NeosVR - provided me with the Neos Modding Group logo, so I can use it in this project
- All the awesome people that answer questions on Stack overflow.
To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.
Once you've cloned the project and installed dependencies with npm install
(or pnpm install
or yarn
), start a development server:
pnpm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
pnpm run dev -- --open
To create a production version of your app:
pnpm run build
You can preview the production build with npm run preview