Scripts for various WaveLab operations, mostly intended for sound design.
Unless I decide to some day write my own how-to, I'll refer to Steinberg's own documentation for managing scripts in WaveLab.
This script will displace random parts of the current file, making the sound shattered and unrecognizable. The idea of this script is to extract the actual 'essence' of the sound. It's a bit related to how granulizers work, but I wanted to have this functionality as a destructive function in my audio editor.
Note: You may want to perform Correct Errors on the resulting file to soften up hard cuts a bit. I haven't found a good way to strip silence, otherwise I would have recommended doing that as well because for some reason, there's short, occasional micro bits of silence in the resulting audio.
Here's an example where I used the script to make a train cabin sound:
This is the original sound. Here's the same sound processed by the script. And here's an example final product: A train cabin sound. (I made a few edits by hand, then filtered and put on some delay. Besides that, not much else.) Note: It seems you can't play sound directly within GitHub, so you might need to download the files in order to hear them.