Code and supplementary information for: Paul Bederke and Holger Döring. 2023. “Harmonizing and Linking Party Information: The ESS as an Example of Complex Data Linking.” — see manuscript
Reproducible documents created with Tidyverse-R and Quarto — see *.qmd
Data sets used in analysis are created with 0*.R
scripts. Non-public data in folders data-raw
and data
not included in git repository – see data-raw_files.csv.
based on Party Facts import04-party-facts-links.R
based on Party Facts tidyverse example
Required R packages in Dockerfile (install2.r section) and information of all packages used with version numbers in renv.lock.
callr::rscript("z-run-all.R", stdout="z-run-all.log") # R console
Rscript z-run-all.R > "z-run-all.log" # terminal
to include time intense processing
- recreate ESS rds-files from dta-sources
- calculate ESS-Parlgov government-opposition matches
Use Docker to run RStudio in a browser
docker-compose up -d # start container in detached mode
docker-compose down # shut down container