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Web application that displays an updated tracker of the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States.

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Created by Heather Dinh


  1. Download repository and change directory into its location
  2. Make sure you have your JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to installation of Java and Maven is installed
  3. In the Command Prompt, run $ mvn spring-boot:mvn
  4. In a browser (like Chrome), type in localhost:8080 to display the web page!

Notes while building the Coronavirus tracker

  • location: cd Desktop/csProjects/springboot-tracker/tracker
  • will initialize a Spring Boot application for you
  • probably better to use IntelliJ, but I'm just going to use Visual Studio
  • not going to use a database here, using public data
  • @ symbol is an annotation

HTTP protocol

  • using a raw data csv file from GitHub repo that is updated daily
  • need to convert the URL to a URI because the HTTP request can read that
  • to make requests and responses by HTTP, include libraries from java
  • to take the body of the request and return it as a string HttpResponse<String> httpResponse = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
  • this doesn't do anything right now because it is just a class, need to mark it as a Spring service stereotype by using @Service
  • @PostConstruct tells application to execute this when the Service class is constructed

Parsing CSV file

  • the pom.xml file (stands for Project Object Model) contains all config info used by Maven in the project
  • need to add a dependency in the pom.xml so that we can read csv file
  • need to pass in a reader to the csv iterator, convert string to StringReader object
  • @Scheduled programs this function to run automatically on a regular basis
  • need to specify a time, so use the "cron" expression which takes a string that has second, minute, day etc.
  • by doing cron = "* * * * * *" this makes it run every second
  • creating a list to store all the values, updates every hour

Controllers to access page from URL

  • to render this in a UI format (basically go to a URL and have this data in the page)
  • in order to get any page to show up when you access a URL, have to create a @Controller
  • this HomeController should map to an html file that is located in the resources/templates folder
  • when the GetMapping is called, it maps this to the root url
  • home template is the html file
  • this works because we are using the Thymeleaf dependency, so Spring Boot knows to do this
  • have to use localhost:8080 port
  • when you call controller and access the URL, put things on the Model
  • pass in this Model object and this object will be accessible when rendering the HTML, can add attributes to it model.addAttribute("testName", "TEST");
  • the s: is adding a String attribute to the model with value of the o:
  • Thymeleaf is used to access this new attribute in the HTML file
  • add the attribute to the model object, and access in the HTML by using th <p th:text="${testName}"></p>
  • since using a service, can AutoWire into the Controller
  • using a table, loop through all the stats in the locationStats ArrayList
  • use th:each="location: ${locationStats}" to loop through, and the th:text from before to display attributes

Bootstrap Styling

  • jumbotron used just to show more attention to all total cases
  • total cases in general computed by adding all the total cases for each city>stat.getLatestTotalCases()).sum();
  • .stream() converts to a stream that is readable to console
  • .mapToInt(stat->stat.getLatestTotalCases()) gets each latest case and turns it into an int
  • .sum() adds all these cases together


  • make sure that the environment variable named "JAVA_HOME" points to the installation of Java in Program Files
  • can see where JAVA_HOME is by typing in $echo %JAVA_HOME% which works for env vars
  • to run Maven, cd into the project (in this case it is in the tracker file) and type in command mvn spring-boot:run


Web application that displays an updated tracker of the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States.






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