Cabin Quest began when Google Reader ended. While learning NodeJS & Express, I accomplished my first goal to create a service to upload, parse, and save my Google Reader zip into Mongodb. Then, I designed and develop a UI to manage my 800 feeds. Finally, I built this NextJS app to learn both it and GraphQL. Basically, I wanted a fun weekend project to learn emerging tech and become more full stack.
Currently Cabin Quest is a private API hosted on
install: free from the chrome store
about: when you open a new tab, it will fill the browser with a photo from popular feeds (Gaming, Design, and Architecture)
I also built Porthole which is a chrome extension for your browser that features 50 popular feeds and parses out all the photo to be displayed full screen when you open a new table.
yarn dev
- If you delete the node_modules, please run:
npm run build
- Ensure XCode and the command line tools are installed
- If gyp fails - see this tech post and do:
- IconV was used in app/controllers/bellwoods/trees/PortholeTreesController.js & TreesController
- IconV does UTF-8 check on the stream - I may or may not need it?!
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
Open your browser to http://localhost:8080
If iconv error, delete the node_modules folder and run
requirements: at least Node 8
To find all the RSS feeds see: See sagas > porthole > PortholeTreeUtil
server.js is nextjs app for server side rendering that also runs express to manage the API
now alias
after adding --cors to start
need to research this: now alias -r rules.json
In the spirit of the Sierra Quest games but with a modern approach, I eventually want to experiment with combining the API feed with game mechanics or some interactive experience; part story, part data visualization. It would be nice to contribute to the best open source similar to how Lucas and Sierra built own SCUUM systems.