About the course
- the website: Samuel Mimram — CSC_51051_EP -- Computational logic: from Artificial intelligence to Zero bugs
- the nice course notes: Program = Proof
- TD1: One optional task left: 5.3 implement functions for the tiny programming language.
- TD2: Complete
- TD3: Complete
- TD4: 4 optional tasks to be finished.
- TD5: Complete
- TD6: Complete
- TD7: Complete
- TD8: Complete
Further extensions beyond the optional tasks:
For the SAT solver
- Conflict driver clause learning (CDCL)
- Basic SMT solving
For the simple typed programming language
- build a virtual machine
- compile to byte code and run on the virtual machine
For the proof assistant
- bidirectional type checking
- implicit parameters
- module system
- proof searching
For the agda formalization of programming languages
- confluence of the non-deterministic beta reduction
- strong normalization of STLC
- normalization by evaluation (NbE)
Encode programs of a simple programming language in OCaml. Implement the typing rules and the reduction rules.
- program formation
- literals: booleans and natural numbers
- basic arithmetics
- if branchings
- pairs and projections
- unit values
- functions TODO
- type inference and type checking
- single step reduction, parallel reduction, and normalization
Implement a DPLL SAT solver in OCaml.
- brute force depth-first searching to exhaust the space of assignments
- DPLL: unit clause propagation, pure clause elimination, picking decision variable with heuristics
- encoding and solving sudoku problems using the DPLL SAT solver
- transform arbitrary formula into a equi-satisfiable CNF with Tesytin transformation
- encoding terms of lambda calculus
- encoding products, natural numbers, booleans in untyped lambda calculus
- encoding recursive function using the fixed point combinator
- capture-avoiding substitution
- single step beta reduction
- alpha-beta-eta equivalence
- de Bruijn indices representation
- type checking and type inference of simply typed lambda calculus (STLC)
- interactively constructing proofs and proof terms with tactics
- naive implementation of dependent type theory
- dependent products (dependent type functions)
- natural numbers
- homogeneous equality
- W-types for defining inductive type WIP
- layered type universes WIP
- another proof assistance based on dependent type theory
- proving associativity and commutativity of natural number addition
- proving associativity and commutativity of natural number multiplication
- exploring paradoxes in the proof assistance WIP
- de Bruijn indices representation TODO
- normalization by evaluation (NbE) TODO
- encoding and proving tautologies of propositional logic using Agda
- exploring the interplay of negation and other connectives
- proving the equivalence among
- the law of excluded middle
- the Pierce law
- the double negation elimination rule
- exploring the 4 de-Morgan rules in first order logic
- booleans, natural numbers, equalities, lists
- proving the formula of the sum of 1st power of natural numbers
- formalizing the Euclidean division algorithm with intrinsic/extrinsic approaches
- formalizing the insertion sort algorithm
- proving the correctness of insertion sort
- formalizing the insertion sort algorithm with intrinsic approach (embedding invariants into type signatures)
- proving the insertion sort algorithm outputs a permutation of the input
- proving the termination of non-structural inductions with well-founded induction
- defining the merge sort algorithm using well-founded induction
- encoding Plotkin's Programming Computable Functions (PCF) in Agda
- typing context insertion and free variable lifting
- free variable substitution for de Bruijn indices representation
- defining the typing rules, the reduction rules, and the canonical forms
- proving the progress property for well-typed closed terms
- proving the subject-reduction property for well-typed reducible terms