This git repository contains the code accompanying the manuscript
Predictive model of transcriptional elongation control identifies trans regulatory factors from chromatin signatures
Toray S. Akcan, Matthias Heinig
- Script Overview
- Dependencies
- Data Availability
- Computational Requirements
- Script Execution
- Key Data Structures
- R Session Info
Transcriptional_Pausing.R: Main script to perform analyses; Uses all other R-script files.
data_preprocessing.R: Functions for preprocessing (parsing) of all data sets for usage.
data_processing.R: Functions for processing of all data sets for downstream analyses.
data_analyses.R: Actual analyses of processed datasets.
helper_functions.R: Generic helper functions.
R-version: 4.0.3
Bioconductor-Version: 3.12 (BiocManager 1.30.15), R 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
CRAN-Packages: readr, fastcluster, pvclust, scales, reticulate", parallel, foreach, doParallel, LSD, plyr, feather, msigdbr, log4r, plyr, ggplot2, optparse, tools, DBI, VennDiagram, bedr, Rcpp, rlang, tidyr, stringi, rlang, magrittr, tidyverse, viridis, dplyr, magrittr, circlize, dynamicTreeCut, h2o, reshape2, protr, gridExtra, caret, log4r, optparse, fitdistrplus, ROCR, reticulate, xgboost, data.table, here, jsonlite, mclust, igraph, quantreg, stringr, SHAPforxgboost, anchors, seqinr, ape, ggpubr, ggforce, reconPlots, cowplot, ggsci, gridGraphics, WriteXLS
Bioconductor-Packages: msa, GenomicFeatures,CAGEr, GenomicRanges, biomaRt, Biostrings, topGO, goSTAG, tracktables, GenomicAlignments, Rsamtools, BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, groHMM, HiTC, rtracklayer, RCAS, TFutils, universalmotif,, GOSim
External-Packages: reconPlots
All neccessary packages will be installed automatically upon sourcing init.R, however system-level dependencies required by specific packages might exist.
The data folder structure has been replicated in the data folder and each subfolder contains a README.txt with detailed steps to obtain relevant data sets pertaining to each subfolder. This repository is accompanied by a Zenodo repository that hosts relevant data sets available at: Please refer to resources/folder-structure.txt for an overview of the data folder structure.
All necessary data sets with associated accession numbers are also listed in individual xlsx-sheets in file data-accessions.xlsx located in the resources folder.
The following computational resources are recommended to execute the whole script
- 360 GB RAM
- 16 Cores
- Clone this repository with git clone
- Specify working directory in Transcriptional_Pausing.R (line 2); Specify number of available cores for low, average and high load computations (line 9); Defaults to 6, 12, 18 cores respectively
- Obtain all relevant data, see section Data Availability
- Run/Source Transcriptional_Pausing.R
- All plots will be available under src/plots and resulting R-data structures under the results folder
- File /results/Predictions/model_data/feature.vectors.RDS contains feature matrices for each cell line
- File /results/Predictions/model_data/model.matrices.RDS contains matrices with features (and feature sub-spaces) and targets for each cell line to train predictive models
- File /results/Predictions/model_evaluation/ contains all model results (incl. model performance table) obtained by training XGB tree models
- File /results/chipseq.peaks.RDS contains a genomic ranges object of protein coding transcripts bound by specific proteins on the DNA
- File /results/eclipseq.peaks.RDS contains a genomic ranges object of protein coding transcripts bound by specific proteins on the RNA
- File /results/rn7sk.binders.RDS contains a genomic ranges object of 7SK transcript variants bound by proteins for each cell line identified from eCLIP-seq data
- File /results/traveling_ratio.RDS contains a genomic ranges object with pausing indices/traveling ratios for protein coding transcripts of each cell line