I'm Hein Thant Maung Maung π ( also known as William ). I'm a ICT student at Rangsit University International Program, Professional Full-stack Web Developer with knowledge of React Native, Flutter and DevOps related stuffs. I'm passionate about Programming Languages, Interpreters, Compilers, etc. and also, love to make EDM and I use Steinberg Cubase Pro and Ableton Live Suite.
I'm comfortable with:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
- Bootstrap, TailwindCSS,
- PHP, Node, Deno, Python
- React, Laravel, ExpressJS
- Wordpress[1]
- Nim, C, C++
- MongoDB, MariaDB
- Linux ( Debian based, RedHat based, Arch based )
- Debian based linux distros are distros I used the most
- Knowledge of Windows, macOS to some extent. But I'm using macOS now.
with some experience and practices:
- It does not mean I am a professional in Wordpress or I love Wordpress. I am able to learn and I have experience in Wordpress plugin development. I've developed several plugins including custom Gutenberg blocks for Wordpress user clients.
- GPG PUBLIC KEY: 0x2E1082FBF9CB91E9 ( available at pgp.mit.edu, keys.gnupg.net, keys.openpgp.org )
- @heinthanth on most social networks.
- EMAIL: [email protected], [email protected]
- WEBSITE: https://heinthanth.com