Subnucleondiffraction code
- H. Mäntysaari, B. Schenke, Phys.Rev. D94 (2016) no.3, 034042, arXiv:1607.01711
- H. Mäntysaari, B. Schenke, Phys.Rev.Lett. 117 (2016) no.5, 052301, arXiv:1603.04349
This program calculates scattering amplitude for the process
gamma^* + A -> V + A
where V is a vector meson (Upsilon, JPsi, rho, phi)
Note This code is constantly developed, and individual commits are not guaranteed to work properly. If you want to use this code in your project, it is probably good idea to first communicate directly with Heikki Mäntysaari [email protected]
Note 2 As of Nov/2024, the output format has changed, the code now always computes the real and imaginary parts and prints both results.
First clone this repository
git clone
How to compile:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Code requires GSL version 2. CMake takes care of finding the correct compiler flags.
How to run:
See ./build/bin/subnucleondiffraction -help
User has to specify the dipole-target scattering amplitude. Supported dipole amplitudes are
- IPsat with event-by-event fluctuating geometry
- Wilson lines generated using the IPGlasma code (
- JIMWLK-evolved Wilson lines also work, the evolution can be solved using (
GSL_RNG_SEED=1 ./build/bin/subnucleondiffraction -dipole 1 ipsatproton 3.3 0.7 -Q2 0 -W 75 -mcintpoints 1e5
Calculates diffractive scattering amplitude. Q2 is the photon virtuality in GeV2 and W is the center-of-mass energy (again in GeV). This woud use 105 MC integration points in Monte Carlo integration. The MonteCarlo method (Vegas [default] or MISER) can be selected using the -mcint
flag (see src/main.cpp
Using a heavy nucleus instead of proton, replace 1 -> 197
(Au) or any other A. For A>3 Woods-Saxon is used. Deuteron and 3He are handled separately.
Random seed is set by GSL_RNG_SEED
enviromental variable.
Round IPsat-proton is e.g. ipsatproton 0 4
(first number controls the width of the Gaussian from which the hot spot locations are sampled, and the second number is the width of the hot spot. This code always uses three hotspots, edit src/ipsat_proton.cpp
if necessary. If the center-of-mass should be moved to the origin, add com
at the end:
-dipole 1 ipsatproton 4.5 1.0 com
The magnitude of the Q_s fluctuations is set as
-qsfluct 0.5
Wilson lines generated using the IPGlasma code can be used instead of the IPsat dipole as follows:
-dipole 1 ipglasma FILENAME step
The step size in fm, and should be L/N
is the lattice length, N
number of lattice points). Note: everywhere else this code uses GeV^n units.
It is more efficient use Wilson lines in binary format (generated using the writeInitialWilsonLines 2
option in IP-Glasma)
-dipole 1 ipglasma_binary FILENAME
In this case there is no need to specify the step size.
The code outputs the squared momentum transfer |t| and complex scattering amplitudes separately for the transverse and longitudinal photon, the syntax is
t transverse real, transverse imag, longitudinal real, longitudinal imag
All dimensionful units in this code are in GeV unless stated otherwise, so amplitude is in 1/GeV^2 (cross section 1/GeV^4).
The coherent diffractive cross section is
dsigma/dt = 1/(16 pi ) <A>^2 [in 1/GeV^4]
Where <A> is the average of the amplitudes. Note that the factor
Similalry the incoherent corss section is computed by replacing <A>^2
by <A^2> - <A>^2
In order to calculate total gamma-p (or gamma-A) cross section, one can calulate F2 as follows
GSL_RNG_SEED=1 ./diffraction -dipole 1 ipsatproton 0 4 -F2 Qsqr xbj
The output is x Q^2 F_2,light F_2,charm F_2,total F_L,light F_L,charm F_L,tot
Some branches in this repository include support for additional processes or other improvements. These include
: support finite photon_kt in ultra peripheral collisionsdvcs_vm_masses
: calculate azimuthal correlations between the outgoing lepton and the produced vector mesondijet
: calculate diffractive dijet production
The default IPsat fit used is
- H. Mäntysaari, P. Zurita, Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018) 036002, arXiv:1804.05311 [hep-ph]
This program also contains codes to evaluate the dipole amplitude from the IPsat fit (not build by default)
- A. Rezaeian, M. Siddikov, M. Van de Klundert, R. Venugopalan Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) no.3, 034002
The code is directly from their work, but compiled here to the library referred to as libColorDipole. This is not compiled by default, so one has to manually edit CMake files to compile it.
The NRQCD wave function reference is
- T. Lappi, H. Mäntysaari, J. Penttala, Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 5, 054020, arXiv:2006.02830 [hep-ph]
The Boosted Gaussia and Gaus-LC wave function parametrizations are from
- H. Kowalski, L. Motyka, G. Watt, Phys.Rev.D 74 (2006) 074016, arXiv:hep-ph/0606272
Deuteron and 3He: see
- H. Mäntysaari, B. Schenke, Phys.Rev.C 101 (2020) 1, 015203, arXiv:1910.03297