The idea of this project is to create a localhost IRC server that functions as a gateway for one user of slack, that can connect to it with whatever IRC client they prefer or a bouncer like ZNC and keep using slack from IRC even after they shut down their IRC gateway.
- Retrieve a slack token from
Alternatively if this method fails you can get one from Slack's web client
- Instructions for chromium
- In your browser, go to "Inspect" (developer mode) on an empty page
- Select the "Network" tab.
- Select WS (WebSockets)
- Open your web slack client
- Copy the 'token' parameter from the WebSocket connection URL. Picture
- Instructions for firefox
- In your browser, open the Slack web client
- Press F12 to open the developer tools
- Refresh the page (F5)
- Select the 'Network' tab
- Select the 'WS' tab
- Copy the 'token' parameter from the WebSocket connection URL.
Your Slack token should be placed inside a file named .localslackirc
inside your home directory.
Any location works, with the '-t' argument to the desired location. eg: python3 -t /home/me/slack/token.txt
- Start localslackirc by running
- you should see a connection message similar to the this:
{'ok': True, 'url': 'wss://', 'team': {'id': 'ZZZ789012', 'name': 'Some Team', 'domain': 'someteam'}, 'self': {'id': 'XXX123456', 'name': 'your name'}}
- Now point your irc client to localslackirc (
- login to localslackirc using your Slack username
- after your connected, list the channels in your irc client and select the ones you want to join.
To automatically connect to the Slack channels you are in open localslackirc with the -j argument
python3 -j
You can use /sendfile #destination filepath
to send files. Destination can be a channel or a user.
If you need to refresh your memory about connecting in general, this is a good guide:
Here's a list of irssi commands to set up a network and a localhost server:
/network add -user <you> -realname "<your name>" -nick <your nick> <slackname>
/server add -auto -port 9007 -network <slackname> localhost
Then, start localslackirc in your terminal if you haven't already. (Just type python3
After localslackirc is running, and you have seen the connection message seen above, you can just connect to the localhost IRC network in irssi. Like this:
/connect <slackname>
And you should see the following message in your irssi:
22:15:35 [<slackname>] -!- Irssi: Looking up localhost
22:15:35 [<slackname>] -!- Irssi: Connecting to localhost [] port 9007
22:15:35 [<slackname>] -!- Irssi: Connection to localhost established
22:15:36 [<slackname>] -!- Hi, welcome to IRC
22:15:36 [<slackname>] -!- Your host is serenity, running version miniircd-1.2.1
22:15:36 [<slackname>] -!- This server was created sometime
22:15:36 [<slackname>] -!- serenity miniircd-1.2.1 o o
22:15:36 [<slackname>] -!- There are 1 users and 0 services on 1 server
- At least Python 3.6
- The modules indicated in
Inside docker
directory there is a dockerfile to generate a container that runs localslackirc
In order to use it follow the instructions:
# docker build -t localslackirc -f docker/Dockerfile .
If everything went fine you should have a new container running localslackirc.
To start your new container:
docker run -d -p 9007:9007 --name=mylocalslackirc -e 'SLACKTOKEN=MYSLACKTOKEN' localslackirc
#localslackirc on oftc