A series of scripts to create animated gifs of distorted liquid.
Each of these scripts takes an input (either user defined or a "randomly generated" input from ImageMagick) and applies an animated displacement map to it.
generates liquid gif with a plasma gradient.
generates a liquid gif with a rainbow gradient.
generates a liquid gif using an input image.
After a while a liquid gif will be created with a plasma gradient
./liquid_input.sh inputimage.png
Replace inputimage with your input image. After a while a liquid gif be created with your input image as its source. If you use a gif as input the duration of the output gif will be taken from its shortest input. The animated displacement map generated by ImageMagick is 36 frames. If the input gif has 12 frames the output gif will be 12 frames but will be cut off and won't loop seamlessly. Similarly, if the input gif is 37 frames it will still output a gif of 36 frames and won't loop seamlessly.