VAE-GAN code and model trained on Splatoon 2 game screens.
Check out the detail from here.
- Python > 3.5
- torch
- cv2
- numpy
Due to copy right concerns, we cannot share the data set used to train the model. But there are a lot of videos available online. Once you get a list of streaming links, such as m3u8 playlist, you can download them to your local file system using ffmpeg.
ffmpeg -y -i "${url}" -c copy "${output_path}"
We only used keyframes so that we do not have to worry about the best frame rate to extract frames. With the following command, only keyframes are saved.
ffmpeg -y -skip_frame nokey -i "${url}" -vsync 0 "${output_prefix}-%06d.png"
In the end we had 296 different videos, which are around 3 to 5 minutes, with 44676 key frames. By splitting them into 9:1, we obtained training data which consist of 40620 frames from 269 different videos, and test data which consists of 4056 frames from 27 different videos.
./ --train-flist TRAIN_FLIST --test-flist TEST_FLIST --data-dir DATA_DIR