A comprehensive collection of UI components and utilities for blockchain applications by Hemi Labs.
This monorepo contains the following packages:
- @hemilabs/btc-wallet: Components for Bitcoin wallet integration (Currently, only Unisat is supported)
- @hemilabs/sliding-block-window: UI components for block visualization and walkthrough of block ranges
- @hemilabs/wagmi-erc20-hooks: React hooks for ERC20 token interactions using wagmi
- @hemilabs/webapp: Portal app living at https://app.hemi.xyz
Deploys to staging are triggered when merging changes to the main
Deploys to production are triggered when a release is created.
The suggested format for the tags is YYYYMMDD_seq
The release notes could be auto-generated by GitHub after selecting the tag.
Tags applied with the following command will show in its message the list of all the PRs merged since the last tag:
git tag -s YYYYMMDD_seq -m "Deploy $(date -I)" -m "$(git log $(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)..HEAD --oneline | grep Merge)"