Seerbit Flutter SDK can be used to integrate the SeerBit payment gateway into your flutter application.
Register for a merchant account on Seerbit Merchant Dashboard to get started.
Dart sdk: ">=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0"
Flutter: ">=1.22.2"
Android: minSdkVersion 17 and add support for androidx (see AndroidX Migration to migrate an existing app)
iOS: --ios-language swift, Xcode version >= 12
flutter pub get seerbit_flutter
If you have any problems, questions or suggestions, create an issue here or send your inquiry to [email protected]
You should already have your API keys. If not, go to
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:seerbit_flutter/seerbit_flutter.dart';
class CheckOut extends StatelessWidget {
const CheckOut({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TextButton(
onPressed: () => SeerbitMethod.startPayment(
currency: 'NGN',
email: "[email protected]",
description: "A pair of new shoes",
fullName: "Jane Doe",
country: "NG",
amount: "100",
callbackUrl: "your callback url",
publicKey: "YOUR PUBLIC KEY",
closeOnSuccess: false,
closePrompt: false,
setAmountByCustomer: false,
pocketRef: "",
vendorId: "",
customization: CustomizationModel(
borderColor: "#000000",
backgroundColor: "#004C64",
buttonColor: "#0084A0",
paymentMethod: [PayChannel.card,PayChannel.account, PayChannel.transfer],
confetti: false,
logo: "logo_url || base64",
onSuccess: (response) {},
onCancel: (_) {}),
style: ButtonStyle(
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(,
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
you will recieve a Map containing the response from the payment request.
During the payment process you can simply end the process by calling
This ends the payment and removes the checkout view from the screen.