- NOTE: requirements.txt has since been updated to avoid security vulnerabilities (only a problem with commercial software, but no harm in fixing here too). iPython & Scipy were updated. The previous versions were
ipython == 7.22.0
&scipy == 1.7.3
Code and Data to replicate analyses investigating interference of SSRT across dual tasks for the paper "Towards a taxonomy of inhibition-related processes: A dual-task approach", by Patrick G. Bissett, Henry M. Jones, McKenzie P. Hagen, Tung Bui, Jamie K. Li, James M. Shine, & Russell A Poldrack (2021).
To rerun, download the repo and change the path to the raw data in raw_data_path.txt.
Notebooks are organized into the type of analysis applied (discovery or validation), and the dataset the analysis is applied to (discovery, validation, or all).
runs the qa and analysis performed on the discovery dataset during the exploration phase of this project.
runs the preregistered analysis on the validation dataset.
runs the post-hoc analysis excluding short SSD subjects on the combined dataset.
reads in the tables saved out by the above notebooks, cleans them, and displays them for use in the paper.
responds to reviewer feedback by examining how many short SSD trials were identified, and comparing 2-back and 3-back accuracy, RT, and SSRT estimates.