A short, url friendly, base64 encoded uuid module
This module creates uuid/guid strings that are short then the standard '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' format. Short uuids will be 22 characters long (instead of 36) and a basically a base64 encoded string with the trailing "==" removed and any "/" replaced with "-" (in order to make them play nice in a url).
Install via npm
$ npm install small-uuid
Create a short uuid
var uuid = require('small-uuid');
var id = uuid.create();
// "id" will equal something like "NaTPOgp1QUuB6Gm5tAdcSw"
Create from a buffer
var uuid = require('small-uuid');
var buffer = new Buffer('NaTPOgp1QUuB6Gm5tAdcSw==', 'base64');
var id = uuid.fromBuffer(buffer);
// "id" will equal "NaTPOgp1QUuB6Gm5tAdcSw"
Create a buffer from a short uuid
var uuid = require('small-uuid');
var buffer = uuid.toBuffer('NaTPOgp1QUuB6Gm5tAdcSw');
Create from a standard uuid hex string
var uuid = require('small-uuid');
var id = uuid.fromHex('35a4cf3a-0a75-414b-81e8-69b9b4075c4b');
// "id" will equal "NaTPOgp1QUuB6Gm5tAdcSw"
Create a standard hex string from a short uuid
var id = uuid.toHex('NaTPOgp1QUuB6Gm5tAdcSw');
// "id" will equal "35a4cf3a-0a75-414b-81e8-69b9b4075c4b"
Eric Herbrandson ([email protected])
Copyright (c) 2016 Eric Herbrandson
Released under the MIT license