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ingvord edited this page Oct 30, 2019 · 2 revisions

= Welcome =

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= Introduction =

PreExperiment Data Collector is a part of the Integrated Tomography experiment control environment. TODO link to a dedicated page with the project description

This is a component dedicated to gather all information from the user that can be provided prior to the experiment. Such information can be, for instance, a sample name or a set of parameters for the technique which will be used during the experiment.

The information is specified by the experiment operator during the deployment stage. Such specification is called meta data and is stored in yaml format [see Meta.YAML page for more details].

The Data Collector is implemented as a standalone web application which also supports Tango interface. Therefore the application can be easily integrated into any experiment�s environment operated by Tango.

This repository contains only a server side of the application. There are two other repositories related to client side and offline version of the application. Here are the links to these repositories: and

One may refer to that repository's Wikis to get more specific information about the client side and the offline version of the application. This wiki contains general information for users and for developers.

= Version 2.0.0 presentation =

This presentation introduces major changes that was made in version 2.0.0:

= Demo =

Check the web-client demo page:

= Runtime system requirements =

  • Java >=1.7
  • Apache TomCat >=7
  • Tango >=8.1.2c (for Tango interface)

= Development system requirements =

  • Java >=1.7
  • Apache Ant >=1.8
  • Apache Maven >=2.2
  • Apache TomCat >=7
  • Tango >=8.1.2c

= User Guide =

The application provides web and tango interface to user's data set. Data set layout is defined in yaml file. Each data set is an accumulation of values that beamline scientist defines prior the deployment of this application.

For Getting started and other detailed section goto User%20Guide

= Developer Guide =

This section describes how to setup and build project. For more details on implementation of the server side see Implementation section. For more information on client side implementation and the offline version refer to the corresponding repositories.

Detailed developer guide is located Developer%20Guide

= =

  • – this parameter defines beam time id. All users datasets are associated with the This means that each dataset is simply stored in a folder named after in user’s directory on the server.
  • tango.server.class specifies Tango server name. The name should be registered in the Tango devices data base a priory. Default – JsonDS.
  • specifies Tango server instance name. The instance should be registered in the Tango devices data base a priory. This parameter is useful to distinguish development, test and production Tango instances.
  • tango.server.arguments tango start up coma separated arguments, i.e. -nodb,.... Empty by default.

= =

Login properties will be stored as environmental variables during web application deployment. This file may have no properties at all in case realm configured in {CATALINA_HOME}/confs/server.xml does not need any.

  • – Kerberos realm.
  • – Kerberos domain.
  • – absolute path to external configuration file, e.g. /home/user/.jaas/jaas.conf=======

Have fun!

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