Notable changes
- New devconsole UI for in-app notification listings, browsing, and deletion.
- Add Console API endpoints for in-app notifications listings.
- Add Console API endpoints for in-app notifications deletions.
- Add new runtime function to get a list of user's friend status.
- Add new Follow/Unfollow runtime APIs.
- Add new NotificationsUpdate runtime API.
- Add new initializers function to get config values.
- Increase limit of runtime friend listing operations to 1,000.
- Leaving a group is now treated as a deletion when done by the last member.
- Build with Go 1.23.3.
- Add missing JavaScript runtime SessionRefresh before/after hook functions.
- Correct text in tournament creation error messages.
- Improve copying of internal configuration before display to devconsole.
- Close group channel sooner when group is deleted.
NOTE: For developers who use the Go server runtime support. The nakama-common package at v1.35.0 must be used with this release.
env GO111MODULE=on go get "[email protected]"