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RC Car Interface

Ramviyas Parasuraman edited this page Aug 23, 2021 · 3 revisions


An interface is within the Unity application that will allow you to connect to the RC car and interact with the car.


To use this interface, download the simulator software named named "LTG Unity" from here.

Unzip it and run LTG_PROJECT_3D_SIMULATION.exe

Finally Click RC Car Interface!


Once you run the software, it will ask you to choose between "Simulator" and "Car Interface" in its main menu. Choose the "RC Car Interface" option. Below are the parameters/settings you will need to set/reset to use the RC car interface.

First, make sure the RC Car is connected to your WiFi network.

  • Network Options
    1. Hostname - Enter IP address of the car you would like to connect to.
    2. Is Connected - Will be red if no car is connected, and turns green if one is connected.
    3. Connect Button - Sends a request to the car to connect to it. May have to click twice to connect.
  • Then, choose the controller option - manual (teleoperation using the onscreen keys/keyboard arrows) or the PID control (autonomous mode based on the IR sensor array on its front to trace a solid black/white line on a white/black background.

  • Controller Dropdown
    1. PID Controller - If selected, car automatically looks for line and will start following automatically.
    2. Manual Controller - Allows user to control car manually using arrow keys on keyboard.
  • Then, you can play with the remaining parameters/values.

    1. PID Constant Values - Each of these values will change the constant within the PID controller running on the car.
    2. Speed - Changes the minimum and maximum speed the car will travel.
    3. Results
      1. Avg Error- The average of errors the car reported during a race.
      2. Last Lap - Time of last lap driven
      3. Score - Calculated based on time, distance, and speed. Rewards for higher average speed, shorter time, and error closeness to 0
    4. IR Tracker Indicators
      1. Yellow - Car is either disconnected or not currently on the track.
      2. Red - IR sensor reported line not under it.
      3. Green - IR sensor reported line is currently under it.
    5. Current Lap Time - Current time spent on one race designated by user.
    6. Menu - Takes you back to main menu.
    7. Start Race - Clicking this will start the timer and will start the collection of average, error, time and speed.
    8. Reset Interface - Reloads application incase of error or connection issue.
    9. Black Line - If it says black line, the car is currently looking for a black line to follow, if it says white line, the car currently is looking for a white line to follow.
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