Markdown-it plugin which adds the ability to include markdown fragment files.
node.js, browser:
npm install markdown-it-include --save
bower install markdown-it-include --save
Let's create a markdown which uses a header and a footer from two separate files:
# This is my header for all my markdowns
Follow me on twitter!
Let's assume that and are located in /in/this/directory
Now it's your turn to play markdown-it!
var md = require('markdown-it')()
.use(require('markdown-it-include'), '/in/this/directory');
md.render('!!!include(!!!\n\n*your content*\n\n!!!include(!!!');
It will produce this
<h1>This is my header for all my markdowns</h1>
<p><em>your content</em></p>
<p>Follow me on twitter!</p>
This purposefully doesn't conform to any spec or discussion related to CommonMark.