A curated list of open source and free tooling for js projects
For framework-related tools please check React ecosystem or Express ecosystem.
- js-ecosystem
- colors - get color and style in your node.js console
- Commander - complete solution for CLIs
- Inquirer - collection of common interactive CLIs
- minimist - minimalistic argument parser
- yargs - argument parser
- neo4j
- RxJs
- Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- MobX - state management applying TFRP (transparent functional reactive programming)
- Node-Redis - high performance Redis client
- Protobuf - Protocol Buffers implementation for serializing data
- Zustand
- Sequelize - Active Record promise-based ORM
- TypeORM - Active Record & Data Mapper ORM
- Mongoose - MongoDB ORM
Official Redux site and Redux style guide
- Async Logic
- Redux DevTools
- Redux Saga - side effect manager based on ES6 generators
- Redux Thunk
- Reselect
- Ducks Pattern
- Redux Toolkit
- Performance & normalization
- Examples
See Awesome Charting Repository for a complete curated list
- Zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference.
- validator.js - String validators and sanitizers.
- core-js - modular STL for JS with polyfills
- debug - tiny debugging utility
- ESlint - JS linting
- Husky
- nodemon - restart application when file changes in the directory are detected
- Sentry
- tracer - customizable logging library
- Webpack - module bundler
- TypeDI - dependency injection tool
- Injex - decorated & pluggable dependency-injection
- InversifyJS - powerful and lightweight inversion of control container
- Elasticsearch - distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine
- Ts.ED - decorators and guidelines
- Typescript - Language extension for application-scale JS
- React - library for building user interfaces
- Hooks reference
- awesome-react-hooks
- useHooks(🐠)
- Autoprefixer - parse CSS and add vendor prefixes
- Dart Sass - CSS extension
- Styled Components - write CSS code to style your components
- Connect - extensible HTTP server framework using middlewares
- Express - webApp framework built upon Connect
- express-validator - Middlewares that wrap validator.js.
- Restify - Connect-style middleware for building REST APIs
- Sails - built on Express, Socket.io and Waterline ORM
- fp-ts - typed functional programming
- Rambda - functional programming style (see Cookbock)
- underscore - useful functional programming helpers
- axios - promise based HTTP client
- node-mailer - send e-mails from Node.js
- http-errors
- response-time
- rid - request unique id
- soap - soap client and server
- WebSocket-Node - WebSocket client & server
- bcrypt - hash passwords
- crypto - crypto standards
- csp-header - Content-Security-Policy header generator
- Gulp - automation toolkit
- Invariant - a mirror of Facebook's invariant
- Jest
- Mocha
- Node Schedule - flexible scheduler
- Puppeteer - high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol
- async - helper methods for working with asynchronous JS
- async-validator - validate form asynchronous
- clipboard - lightweight copy to clipboard
- codemirror - versatile text editor with over 100 language modes and various addons
- compression - deflate & gzip compression middleware
- debounce - wraps function so that it will postpone its execution until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked
- donwload - download and extract files
- fs-extra - adds file system methods and promise support
- fuzzy - 1k standalone fuzzy search
- glob - match files using the patterns the shell uses
- lodash - utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras
- Math.js - extensive math library
- Moment - date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates
- node-notifier - cross platform native notifications
- safe-regex - detect potentially catastrophic exponential-time regular expressions
- uglify - JS parser, minifier, compressor and beautifier toolkit
- uuid - creation of RFC4122 UUIDs
- vuln-regex-detector - detect regexes that could lead to catastrophic backtracking