See for influxDB documentation
Currently under early development, may not result in a functionnal container.
I wanted to give access to a clean and well documented InfluxDB container, suitable for docker beginners as well as InfluxDB beginners.
It means this container has:
- a public git repository
- an up to date docker image
- explanations on its structure and how to use
Usefull mountpoints are:
- /opt/influxdb/shared/ - InfluxDB shared files, contains:
- /opt/influxdb/shared/config.toml - config file
- /opt/influxdb/shared/data/ - data files
- /var/log - log files.
- /var/log/supervisor/ - init system log files, traces container's process start/stop/restart
- /var/log/influxdb/ - influxdb log files
Exposed ports are:
- :8083 for admin interface
- :8086 for API
- :25826/udp for collectd
- :8090 and :8099 for cluster internals (Protobuf and Raft prococols) - not mandatory
- - Builds a Docker image from the git tree.
- - Creates and runs your InfluxDB container.
- Dockerfile - The recipe used by docker to create the image.
- configfiles/ - Additionnal files required for the image creation.
Documentation on how to have a simple graphing setup can be found here: