Cairo University Eco-Racing Team
Embedded Autonomous Control Sub-Team
Innovation Project
-> Python 2.7
-> Python 3
-> Pyserial Library
-> PyQt5 Library
-> ROS Melodic
-> OpenCV Library
-> ZMQ Library
Clone the project on your machine
$ git clone
Then, Run the following commands in order;
$ cd Urban-Remote-Control/server
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ source devel/
Initialize ROS Master by running
$ roscore
Launch Zed Camera Using
$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed.launch
To Initialize the Server, Run
$ python2 src/server/scripts/
You can run the client by going back to the repository root directory and running this
$ python3 client/
If you want to simulate the project using Gazebo, Run the following command instead of the zed.launch
roslaunch server robot_spawn.launch
Please make sure the network's ip address you're connected at in both server's script
as they should be connected on the same ip address and sending/reading the data frames on the same port.
to check the ip address the server is connected to, run this command in your terminal
$ ifconfig
and it will display server's ip address next to inet