An element-ui based Vue.js admin template
- Login/Logout
- Permission authentication
- Sidebar
- Breadcrumb
- ECharts
- 401, 404 error page
- Error log
- Table example
- Multi-environments distribution
- Collapsing sidebar (support nested routes)
- Mock data
- screenfull
# Clone project
git clone
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Run local dev server
yarn run dev
Visit in browser: http://localhost:8080
# Build staged environment with webpack-bundle-analyzer
npm run build:sit-preview
# Build production environment
npm run build:prod
├── build // build
├── config // config
├── src // source code
│ ├── api // all requests
│ ├── assets // static resource like themes, fonts
│ ├── components // global public components
│ ├── directive // global directive
│ ├── filters // global filters
│ ├── mock // mock data
│ ├── router // router
│ ├── store // global status management
│ ├── styles // global styles
│ ├── utils // global public functions
│ ├── view // view
│ ├── App.vue // entry view
│ └── main.js // entry for loading components, initialization
├── static // third-party libraries not packed with Webpack
│ ├── jquery
│ └── Tinymce // rich text
├── .babelrc // babel-loader config
├── eslintrc.js // eslint config
├── .gitignore // gitignore
├── favicon.ico // favicon
├── index.html // html template
└── package.json // package.json