This repo collates the assignments for NUS CS3241 Computer Graphics
2D drawing in OpenGL using primitives and basic transformation. Bonus features: Gradient background, transparency
2D drawing in OpenGL with additional components of animation and focus on rotation with respect to other elements. Bonus features: Fading/ glowing stars, elliptical orbits
3D drawing by combining primitive surfaces and implementation of illumination and flat/ smooth shading. Bonus features: Camera movement, color change of light source
2D implementation of bezier curves and objects along the curve. Bonus features: Repositioning of existing points, animation of objects to simulate movement
Implmentation of a ray tracer on 4 primitive objects. Bonus features: Shadows, addition of cylinder object
Selected solution for past year papers.
Hi future juniors, here's some tips for exams
- Print out your MA1301 cheatsheet if you still have them. sqrt(3)/2 = cos30? You might need to know them.
- Print out your github repo lol, kent ridge homenoffice charge 0.035 per page
- Write down the bezier curve equation up to degree 4/5? and their derivatives, don't be a kuku and derive them on the spot
If you suck at math
- The for-loop for drawing circles? Good time to figure out where is the start/ end point and their degree.