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Please, clone the repository and install all dependencies that are listed in the requirements.txt file.

$ git clone
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


If python is not installed, please download and install it from here. Alternatively, you can use Anaconda to install python and all dependencies. If git is installed, clone the repository as specified above. Alternatively, you can download the repository, unpack it and open the terminal in the directory. To install all dependencies, type in the terminal:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Using CellScanner


In the directory ./CellScanner_1.2.0/ are two files: and First launches graphical interface for the CellScanner, while interface is used to run CellScanner inside the command. To launch GUI, please type in the terminal:

$ python

Note that at the first launch, it will take time for the TensorFlow to initialise.

The basic syntax to use CellScanner through command line is:


Available COMMANDs are: predict, train, validate, settings. To run prediction or validate model, type in the following command:

$ python predict -p PATH_TO_FILE/FOLDER
$ python validate -p PATH_TO_FILE/FOLDER

To train model, in additional to positional argument -p (path), -n (name of the model), and -m (type of the model) should be specified. However, if not, the prompt will appear. Example of the command to train autoencoder:

$ python train -p PATH_TO_FILE/FOLDER -n NAME_OF_MODEL -m autoencoder

To see current settings, type in:

$ python settings -s

Use the following command to change settings:

$ python settings -c PARAMETER

Prompt will apper with available options for the PARAMETER if any. An example:

$ python settings -c vis_dims

Additionally, parameter value can be specified directly in the command-line to avoid prompts:

$ python settings -c vis_dims -v UMAP
$ python settings -c num_umap_cores -v 4

Lastly, you can call help using -h flag.

$ python -h

Training models


To train your model, you will need to provide reference files in the Training window. It is recommended to provide at least one reference file for each class, although the more references you provide, the better the results will be. However, it is important to prioritize the quality of the reference files over their quantity. Additionally, add more or less equal amount of files for the same label. Lastly, the files used for training should be named either Name_name-rest.fcs or Name-rest.fcs. However, the labels can be later manually modified in ./config/models_info.yml.

There are multiple settings that can be adjusted to improve the results However, they are optional. Here is the explanation of each option:

  • Number of epochs. An epoch is a single pass through the entire training dataset. In general, the more epochs you use, the longer the training will take, but it may also result in a better model. On the other hand, if you use too many epochs, your model may overfit.
  • Batch size. the batch size is the number of training examples used in one forward/backward pass. The larger the batch size, the more memory space you'll need. Batch size is also a factor in how long it takes to train a model. Smaller batch sizes are generally slower to train, because the model has to make more forward/backward passes to cover all the training examples. However, smaller batch sizes can also be more noise-resistant, since they average the error gradients over a smaller number of examples.
  • Learning rate. The learning rate controls how much the model's weights are updated based on the loss gradient, with a higher learning rate leading to faster progress but also a higher risk of convergence issues, and a lower learning rate being slower but also less prone to such issues.
  • Learning rate scheduler. The learning rate scheduler allows you to specify a schedule for the learning rate to change over time, with the possibility of starting with a higher learning rate and decreasing it as training progresses.

There is also an option called Legacy NN which, if enabled, will use a neural network architecture from a previous version of CellScanner.

Once your classifier has been trained, you can select it in the settings window.


Autoencoder is the new approach to gating. To train an autoencoder, it is better to provide multiple monoculture files together with blank files. Same as before, the more references you provide, the better the results would be. However, from the experience, ratio of 10 to 1 (monoculture to blank) in terms of events is optimal.

There are some settings that are specific to autoencoder:

  • Number of clusters. Training autoencoder is a semi-supervised learning task. Clusters, containing high number of blanks observations, are removed to ensure that data is cleaned as much as possible.
  • Blank threshold. This is the threshold for the number of blank events in a cluster. Clusters containing more blank observations than the threshold will be removed.

After training model, the window with the training statistics will appear. You can consult it to see how well the model was trained. It's important to return to the menu through the button because this action shuts down TensorBoard process, which is independent of the CellScanner. Alternatively, it will continue running in background even when CellScanner is closed. If the page is not loaded, please press "Reload". Additionally, training statistics (same as in the visualisations) are saved in training_logs/ as a .csv file.

Importantly, please select the Flow Cytometer that was used to collect the data prior model training. This is important because autoencoder and classifier selection depends on selected FC. Question mark buttons in the settings menu can help you refresh memory which channels are available to use with the autoencoder model, and which labels classifier is capable of predicting.

The channels to drop option in the settings is only applicable to autoencoder. By default, it drops only "Time" channel and preserves the rest. However, if you want to drop more channels, you can do so by specifying them there. When using autoencoder for gating, the channels available for visualisations correspond to the features of the autoencoder.


To predict results, first you need to select the model and gating approach. Nothing else is needed. However, there is two optional settings as well:

  • Reconstruction error that is only applicable when autoencoder is selected. It is used to filter out events that are predicted to be blanks based on the reconstruction error. It's better to first see the distribution of reconstruction errors in the model diagnostics and then decide on the threshold. However, with the Accuri datasets 0.3 was optimal.
  • Another setting is Probability threshold, which labels events as low-probability or not. The results of the prediction is class probability distribution, meaning that events are labeled as belonging to a certain class with a certain probability. For example, the output of the model for two class classification is [0.32, 0.68] for label_1, label_2, respectively. These probabilities saying that observation is 32% likely to be label_1 and 68% likely to be label_2.
  • Number of cores to compute UMAP controls how many CPU cores will be involved in the computation of UMAP. However, it's limited by your CPU.

After that you can just select files and see the results. After running prediction, it's possible to adjust reconstruction error prior saving results. However, at the moment, same threshold is applied to all files.

Results are saved as 3D or 2D plot of the predictions, MSE plot for each file in the specified directory. Additionally, cell_counts.txt is saved. Text file contains statistics for each file. For each predicted species the following structure is used:

  • Number of cells. Total number of cells that are labeled as given class.
  • Percentage. Number of cells / amount of events in the file.
  • Number of blanks. How many of predicted events (Number of cells) are predicted to be blanks.
  • Percentage of blanks. Number of blanks / number of cells.
  • Number of high probability. Number of cells with probability higher than given threshold.
  • Percentage of high probability. Number of high probability / number of cells.
  • Results after gating. Number of cells - number of blanks

If Machine gating is selected, please provide reference files for the binary classifier. Files should include some bacterial monocultures, preferably of same species used for the prediction, as well as some blank files. Additionally, please add _ref to the end of the reference file's name.

Model diagnostics

Model diagnostics is a tool that allows you to see how well the model was trained. Please, provide at least one file per class that model can predict including blanks files. Otherwise, is the error will bi raised and CellScanner will be closed. Files' name should follow same notation as when providing reference files for the training.

If Machine gating is selected, continue as described in the Predicting section.


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