I'm a software engineering major at UC Irvine and I love connecting different disciplines through computer science. I served as President at a UCI campus organization called Commit the Change from 2023-24, where I was previously a full-stack developer and Membership Director. This is just the start of my CS journey and I can't wait to explore along the way! Come follow me on my journey by connecting with me on Linkedin or shoot me an email at [email protected]!
- other than CS, I'm also interested in psychology, sociology, healthcare, and minimalist art
- my long term career goal is to help create AI-powered devices that can detect diseases earlier
- I'm experienced in Python, JavaScript, Java, HTML, CSS, C++, React, Flutter, Angular, SQL, and Bash
- Concepts in Programming Languages
- Principles of Operation Systems
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Ask me about the intersection between sociology and AI ethics!