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…interleaved during the computation of Pitts Interpolants
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hferee committed Sep 9, 2024
1 parent 5df78ae commit b9fcb92
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Showing 6 changed files with 83 additions and 121 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions theories/extraction/UIML_extraction.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic ExtrOcamlString.

Require Import K.Interpolation.UIK_braga.
Require Import KS_export.
Require Import ISL.PropQuantifiers ISL.DecisionProcedure.
Require Import ISL.InvPropQuantifiers ISL.DecisionProcedure ISL.Simp.

Require Import ISL.Simp.

Fixpoint MPropF_of_form (f : Formulas.form) : MPropF :=
match f with
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions theories/iSL/DecisionProcedure.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ induction l as [|x l].
* right. simpl. intros z [Hz|Hz]; subst; try rewrite Heq; auto with *.

(* This function computes a proof tree of a sequent, if there is one, or produces a proof that there is none *)
Proposition Proof_tree_dec Γ φ :
{_ : list_to_set_disj Γ ⊢ φ & True} + {forall H : list_to_set_disj Γ ⊢ φ, False}.
Expand Down
180 changes: 66 additions & 114 deletions theories/iSL/InvPropQuantifiers.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,41 +1,12 @@
Require Import ISL.Sequents ISL.SequentProps ISL.Order ISL.Optimizations ISL.DecisionProcedure.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality. (* for dependent induction *)

(** * Overview: Propositional Quantifiers
The main theorem proved in this file was first proved as Theorem 1 in:
(Pitts 1992). A. M. Pitts. On an interpretation of second order quantification in first order intuitionistic propositional logic. J. Symb. Log., 57(1):33–52.
It has been further extended to handle iSL
It consists of two parts:
1) the inductive construction of the propositional quantifiers;
2) a proof of its correctness. *)
Require Import ISL.PropQuantifiers ISL.Sequents ISL.SequentProps.
Require Import ISL.Order ISL.DecisionProcedure.

Section UniformInterpolation.

(** Throughout the construction and proof, we fix a variable p, with respect to
which the propositional quantifier will be computed. *)
Variable p : variable.

(** * Definition of propositional quantifiers. *)

Section PropQuantDefinition.

(** We define the formulas Eφ and Aφ associated to any formula φ. This
is an implementation of Pitts' Table 5, together with a (mostly automatic)
proof that the definition terminates*)

Local Notation "Δ '•' φ" := (cons φ Δ).

Notation "□⁻¹ Γ" := (map open_box Γ) (at level 75).

Definition applicable_AndR φ: {φ1 & {φ2 | φ = (And φ1 φ2)}} + (∀ φ1 φ2, φ ≠ (And φ1 φ2)).
Proof. (destruct φ; eauto). Defined.

Definition applicable_other_var (Γ : list form): {q | p ≠ q /\ Var q ∈ Γ} + (∀ q, p ≠ q -> Var q ∈ Γ -> False).
pose (fA := (fun θ => match θ with |Var q => if decide (p = q) then false else true | _ => false end)).
Expand All @@ -46,6 +17,7 @@ Proof.
- right. intros ψ1 ψ2 Hψ. rewrite elem_of_list_In in Hψ. apply Hf in Hψ. subst fA. simpl in Hψ.
case decide in Hψ; auto with *.

Definition applicable_AndL (Γ : list form): {ψ1 & {ψ2 | (And ψ1 ψ2) ∈ Γ}} + (∀ ψ1 ψ2, (And ψ1 ψ2) ∈ Γ -> False).
Expand All @@ -69,6 +41,7 @@ Proof.
- right. intros ψ1 ψ2 Hψ. rewrite elem_of_list_In in Hψ. apply Hf in Hψ. subst fA. simpl in Hψ. tauto.

Definition applicable_ImpL_other_Var (Γ : list form):
{q & {ψ | q ≠ p /\ (Implies (Var q) ψ) ∈ Γ}} +
(∀ q ψ, q ≠ p -> (Implies (Var q) ψ) ∈ Γ -> False).
Expand All @@ -83,6 +56,7 @@ Proof.
- right. intros q ψ Hp Hψ. rewrite elem_of_list_In in Hψ. apply Hf in Hψ. subst fIp.
simpl in Hψ. rewrite decide_False in Hψ; trivial; auto with *.

Definition applicable_ImpLVar (Γ : list form):
{q & {ψ | Var q ∈ Γ /\ (Implies (Var q) ψ) ∈ Γ}} +
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,6 +125,7 @@ Proof. destruct φ; eauto with *. Defined.
Definition applicable_BoxR φ: {φ' | φ = (□ φ')} + (∀ φ', φ = (□ φ') -> False).
Proof. destruct φ; eauto with *. Defined.

Definition applicable_ImpLImp (Γ : list form):
{φ1 & {φ2 & {φ3 | ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) ∈ Γ}}} +(forall φ1 φ2 φ3, ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) ∈ Γ -> False).
Expand All @@ -160,6 +135,7 @@ Proof.
destruct θ1. 1-4, 6: auto with *. do 3 eexists; apply elem_of_list_In; eauto.
- right. intros ψ1 ψ2 ψ3 Hψ. rewrite elem_of_list_In in Hψ. apply Hf in Hψ. subst fII. simpl in Hψ. tauto.

(* can this be replaced with generalised axiom?*)
Definition applicable_Atom q (Δ : list form) ϕ :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,100 +180,76 @@ Notation "cond '?' A ':1' B" := (sumor_bind1 cond A B) (at level 150, right asso
Notation "cond '?' A ':2' B" := (sumor_bind2 cond A B) (at level 150, right associativity).
Notation "cond '?' A ':3' B" := (sumor_bind3 cond A B) (at level 150, right associativity).

(* solves the obligations of the following programs *)
Obligation Tactic := simpl; intros; order_tac.
Program Definition e_rule {Δ : list form } {ϕ : form}
(EA0 : ∀ bool pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form)
(θ: form) (Hin : θ ∈ Δ) : form :=
let E Δ H := EA0 true (Δ, ϕ) H in
let A pe0 H := EA0 false pe0 H in
let Δ' := rm θ Δ in
match θ with
| Var q → δ => if decide (p = q) thenelse q → E (Δ'•δ) _ (* E5 modified *)
(* E8 modified *)
| ((δ₁→ δ₂)→ δ₃) =>
(E (Δ'•(δ₂ → δ₃) • δ₁) _⇢ A (Δ'•(δ₂ → δ₃) • δ₁, δ₂) _) ⇢ E (Δ'•δ₃) _
| □ φ => □(E ((□⁻¹ Δ') • φ ) _) (* very redundant ; identical for each box *)
| (□δ1 → δ2) => (□(E((□⁻¹ Δ') • δ2 • □δ1) _ ⇢ A((□⁻¹ Δ') • δ2 • □δ1, δ1) _)) ⇢ E(Δ' • δ2) _
| _ => ⊤
(* TODO: plan:
- reuse propquantifiers (esp, don't redefine erule);
- define propquant' as the same fixpoint as propquant, but with a simplification step
- the simplification shold look like the monadic simplifications done here, but more general
- to ensure that' it's still correct, prove that simplified sequents are "equivalent" to the original ones
- show (by induction on the definition of EA and EA') that EA equiv EA'

Local Notation "Δ '•' φ" := (cons φ Δ).

Check warning on line 191 in theories/iSL/InvPropQuantifiers.v

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Notation "_ • _" was already used.

(** The implementation of the rules for defining A is separated into two pieces.
Referring to Table 5 in Pitts, the definition a_rule_env handles A1-8 and A10,
and the definition a_rule_form handles A9 and A11-13. *)
Program Definition a_rule_env {Δ : list form} {ϕ : form}
(EA0 : ∀ bool pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form)
(θ: form) (Hin : θ ∈ Δ) : form :=
let E Δ H := EA0 true (Δ, ϕ) H in
let A pe0 H := EA0 false pe0 H in
let Δ' := rm θ Δ in
match θ with
| Var q → δ => if decide (p = q) thenelse q ⊼ A (Δ'•δ, ϕ) _ (* A4 *)
(* A6 *)
(* A8 modified*)
| ((δ₁→ δ₂)→ δ₃) =>
(E (Δ'•(δ₂ → δ₃) • δ₁) _ ⇢ A (Δ'•(δ₂ → δ₃) • δ₁, δ₂) _)
⊼ A (Δ'•δ₃, ϕ) _
| ((□δ1) → δ2) => (□(E((□⁻¹ Δ')• δ2 • □δ1) _ ⇢ A((□⁻¹ Δ')• δ2 • □δ1, δ1) _)) ∧ A(Δ' • δ2, ϕ) _
(* using ⊼ here breaks congruence *)
| _ => ⊥
Infix "⊢?" := Provable_dec (at level 80).

Program Definition a_rule_form {Δ : list form} {ϕ : form}
(EA0 : ∀ bool pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form) :=
let E pe0:= EA0 true pe0 in
let A pe0 H := EA0 false pe0 H in
match ϕ with
| Var q =>
if decide (p = q)
else Var q (* A9 *)
(* A12 *)
| ϕ₁ ∨ ϕ₂ => A (Δ, ϕ₁) _ ⊻ A (Δ, ϕ₂) _
| □δ => □((E ((□⁻¹ Δ) • □δ, δ) _) ⇢ A((□⁻¹ Δ) • □δ, δ) _)
| _ => ⊥
(* Probably very costly *)
Definition applicable_strong_weakening (Γ : list form):
{φ : form | φ ∈ Γ /\ exists (_ : list_to_set_disj (rm φ Γ) ⊢ φ), True}
+ (∀ φ, φ ∈ Γ -> forall (_ : list_to_set_disj (rm φ Γ) ⊢ φ), False).
destruct (exists_dec (λ φ, if Provable_dec (rm φ Γ) φ then true else false) Γ) as [[φ [Hin Hφ]]| Hf].
- left. exists φ; split.
+ now apply elem_of_list_In.
+ destruct ((rm φ Γ) ⊢? φ). trivial. contradict Hφ.
- right. intros φ Hin Hφ. apply (Hf φ). now apply elem_of_list_In.
destruct ((rm φ Γ) ⊢? φ). auto with *. tauto.

Obligation Tactic := (simpl; intuition order_tac).
Program Fixpoint simp_env (Δ : list form) {wf env_order Δ} : list form :=
(* invertible left rules *)
applicable_AndL Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ _, simp_env ((rm (δ₁ ∧ δ₂) Δ•δ₁)•δ₂) :2
applicable_ImpLVar Δ ? λ q ψ _, simp_env ((rm (Var q → ψ) Δ • ψ)) :2
applicable_ImpLAnd Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ δ₃ _, simp_env ((rm ((δ₁ ∧ δ₂)→ δ₃) Δ • (δ₁ → (δ₂ → δ₃)))) :3
applicable_ImpLOr Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ δ₃ _, simp_env (rm ((δ₁ ∨ δ₂)→ δ₃) Δ • (δ₁ → δ₃) • (δ₂ → δ₃)) :3
(* remove redundant assumptions *)
applicable_strong_weakening Δ ? λ φ _, simp_env (rm φ Δ) :1
Next Obligation. apply Wf.measure_wf, wf_env_order. Qed.

Definition simp_form φ:= ⋀ (simp_env [φ]).

Definition pointed_env_order_refl pe1 pe2 := env_order_refl (pe1.2 :: pe1.2 :: pe1.1) (pe2.2 :: pe2.2 :: pe2.1).

Lemma simp_env_order pe : env_order_refl (simp_env pe) pe.

Variable p : variable.

Obligation Tactic := solve[simpl; intros; simpl in *; intuition; order_tac] || (try (apply Wf.measure_wf, wf_pointed_order)).
Program Fixpoint EA (b : bool) (pe : list form * form) {wf pointed_env_order pe} :=
let Δ := fst pe in
let ϕ := snd pe in
let E := EA true in
let A := EA false in
Program Fixpoint EA (b : bool) (pe : pointed_env) {wf pointed_env_order pe} : form :=
let Δ := simp_env pe.1 in (* because pattern matchin in lets is not broken *)
let ϕ := pe.2 in
let E pe H := EA true pe in
let A pe H := EA false pe in
(* E *)
if b then
if decide (⊥ ∈ Δ) thenelse
applicable_other_var Δ ? λ q _, q ⊼ E (rm (Var q) Δ, ϕ) _ :1
applicable_AndL Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ _, E ((rm (δ₁ ∧ δ₂) Δ•δ₁)•δ₂, ϕ) _ :2
applicable_OrL Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ _, E ((rm (δ₁ ∨ δ₂) Δ•δ₁, ϕ)) _ ⊻E ((rm (δ₁ ∨ δ₂) Δ•δ₂, ϕ)) _ :2
applicable_ImpLVar Δ ? λ q ψ _, E ((rm (Var q → ψ) Δ • ψ, ϕ)) _ :2
applicable_ImpLAnd Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ δ₃ _, E ((rm ((δ₁ ∧ δ₂)→ δ₃) Δ • (δ₁ → (δ₂ → δ₃)), ϕ)) _ :3
applicable_ImpLOr Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ δ₃ _, E (rm ((δ₁ ∨ δ₂)→ δ₃) Δ • (δ₁ → δ₃) • (δ₂ → δ₃), ϕ) _ :3
⋀ (in_map Δ (e_rule EA)) (* the non-invertible rules *)

⋀ (in_map Δ (@e_rule p Δ ϕ E A))
(* A *)
applicable_other_var Δ ? λ q _, A (rm (Var q) Δ, ϕ) _ :1
applicable_AndL Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ _, A ((rm (δ₁ ∧ δ₂) Δ•δ₁)•δ₂, ϕ) _ :2
applicable_OrL Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ _, (E ((rm (δ₁ ∨ δ₂) Δ•δ₁, ϕ)) _ ⇢ A ((rm (δ₁ ∨ δ₂) Δ•δ₁, ϕ)) _) ⊼
(E ((rm (δ₁ ∨ δ₂) Δ•δ₂, ϕ)) _ ⇢ A ((rm (δ₁ ∨ δ₂) Δ•δ₂, ϕ)) _) :2
applicable_ImpLVar Δ ? λ q ψ _, A (rm (Var q → ψ) Δ • ψ, ϕ) _ :2
applicable_ImpLAnd Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ δ₃ _, A ((rm ((δ₁ ∧ δ₂)→ δ₃) Δ • (δ₁ → (δ₂ → δ₃)), ϕ)) _ :3
applicable_ImpLOr Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ δ₃ _, A (rm ((δ₁ ∨ δ₂)→ δ₃) Δ • (δ₁ → δ₃) • (δ₂ → δ₃), ϕ) _ :3
applicable_Atom p Δ ϕ ? λ _, ⊤ :0
applicable_AndR ϕ ? λ ϕ₁ ϕ₂ _, A (Δ, ϕ₁) _ ⊼ A (Δ, ϕ₂) _ :2
applicable_ImpR ϕ ? λ ϕ₁ ϕ₂ _, E (Δ • ϕ₁, ϕ₂) _ ⇢ A (Δ • ϕ₁, ϕ₂) _ :2
(⋁ (in_map Δ (a_rule_env EA)) ⊻ a_rule_form EA) (* the non-invertible rules *)
⋁ (in_map Δ (@a_rule_env p Δ ϕ E A)) ⊻ @a_rule_form p Δ ϕ E A.
Next Obligation. intros. subst Δ ϕ. eapply env_order_lt_le_trans; [exact H|].
order_tac. do 2 apply env_order_eq_add. apply simp_env_order. Qed.
Next Obligation. intros. subst Δ ϕ. eapply env_order_lt_le_trans; [exact H|].
order_tac. do 2 apply env_order_eq_add. apply simp_env_order. Qed.

Definition E pe := EA true pe.
Definition A pe := EA false pe.
Definition E := EA true.
Definition A := EA false.

Definition Ef (ψ : form) := E ([ψ], ⊥).
Definition Af (ψ : form) := A ([], ψ).

End PropQuantDefinition.

End UniformInterpolation.

11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion theories/iSL/Order.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Qed.

Definition env_order_refl Δ Δ' := (Δ ≺ Δ') \/ Δ ≡ₚ Δ'.

Local Notation "Δ ≼ Δ'" := (env_order_refl Δ Δ') (at level 150).
Global Notation "Δ ≼ Δ'" := (env_order_refl Δ Δ') (at level 150).

Global Instance Proper_env_weight: Proper ((≡ₚ) ==> (=)) env_weight.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -392,6 +392,15 @@ Qed.

Global Hint Resolve openboxes_env_order : order.

Lemma weight_Arrow_1 φ ψ : 1 < weight (φ → ψ).
Proof. simpl. pose (weight_pos φ). lia. Qed.

Lemma weight_Box_1 φ: 1 < weight (□ φ).
Proof. simpl. pose (weight_pos φ). lia. Qed.

Global Hint Resolve weight_Arrow_1 : order.
Global Hint Resolve weight_Box_1 : order.

Ltac order_tac :=
try unfold pointed_env_ms_order; prepare_order;
repeat rewrite elements_env_add;
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion theories/iSL/PropQuantifiers.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
Require Import ISL.Sequents.
Require Import ISL.Sequents ISL.Formulas.
Require Import ISL.SequentProps ISL.Order ISL.Optimizations.

Check warning on line 2 in theories/iSL/PropQuantifiers.v

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Notation "_ ≼ _" was already used.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality. (* for dependent induction *)

(** * Overview: Propositional Quantifiers
The main theorem proved in this file was first proved as Theorem 1 in:
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions theories/iSL/Simp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -527,10 +527,10 @@ match goal with

Require Import ISL.PropQuantifiers.
Require Import ISL.InvPropQuantifiers.

Definition E_simplified (p: variable) (ψ: form) := simp (E p ([ψ], ⊥)).
Definition A_simplified (p: variable) (ψ: form) := simp (Af p (ψ)).
Definition E_simplified (p: variable) (ψ: form) := simp_form (E p ([ψ], ⊥)).
Definition A_simplified (p: variable) (ψ: form) := simp_form (Af p (ψ)).

Lemma bot_vars_incl V: vars_incl ⊥ V.
Expand Down

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