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Define a linear remove function on lists (to mimic multiset differnce
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Prove a_rule_env_spec as a poc.
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hferee committed Aug 27, 2024
1 parent 7227a63 commit fe5a3ec
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15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions theories/iSL/Environments.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -478,10 +478,21 @@ rewrite gmultiset_disj_union_difference with (X := {[θ']}).
- now apply gmultiset_singleton_subseteq_l.

Fixpoint rm x l := match l with
| h :: t => if form_eq_dec x h then t else h :: rm x t
| [] => []

Lemma in_rm l x y: In x (rm y l) -> In x l.
induction l; simpl. tauto.
destruct form_eq_dec. tauto. firstorder.

Lemma remove_include (θ θ' : form) (Δ : list form) :
(θ' ∈ Δ) ->
θ ∈ remove form_eq_dec θ' Δ -> θ ∈ Δ.
Proof. intros Hin' Hin. eapply elem_of_list_In, in_remove, elem_of_list_In, Hin. Qed.
θ ∈ rm θ' Δ -> θ ∈ Δ.
Proof. intros Hin' Hin. eapply elem_of_list_In, in_rm, elem_of_list_In, Hin. Qed.

(* technical lemma : one can constructively find whether an environment contains
Expand Down
16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions theories/iSL/Order.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Global Hint Extern 1 (?a < ?b) => subst; simpl; lia : order.
Ltac get_diff_form g := match g with
| ?Γ ∖{[?φ]} => φ
| _ (?Γ ∖{[?φ]}) => φ
| _ (remove _ ?φ _) => φ
| _ (rm ?φ _) => φ
| ?Γ • _ => get_diff_form Γ

Expand All @@ -293,28 +293,24 @@ end.

Global Hint Rewrite open_boxes_remove : order.

Lemma remove_env_order Δ φ: remove form_eq_dec φ Δ ≼ Δ.
Lemma remove_env_order Δ φ: rm φ Δ ≼ Δ.
induction Δ as [|ψ Δ].
- simpl. right. auto.
- simpl. destruct form_eq_dec.
+ subst. destruct IHΔ as [Hlt | Heq].
* left. apply env_order_cancel_right, Hlt.
* rewrite Heq. auto with order.
+ auto with order.
- simpl. destruct form_eq_dec; auto with order.

Global Hint Resolve remove_env_order : order.

Lemma remove_In_env_order_refl Δ φ: In φ Δ -> remove form_eq_dec φ Δ • φ ≼ Δ.
Lemma remove_In_env_order_refl Δ φ: In φ Δ -> rm φ Δ • φ ≼ Δ.
induction Δ as [|ψ Δ].
- intro Hf; contradict Hf.
- intros [Heq | Hin].
+ subst. simpl. destruct form_eq_dec; [|tauto]. auto with order.
+ specialize (IHΔ Hin). simpl. case form_eq_dec as [Heq | Hneq].
* subst. auto with order.
* rewrite (Permutation_swap ψ φ (remove form_eq_dec φ Δ)). auto with order.
* rewrite (Permutation_swap ψ φ (rm φ Δ)). auto with order.

Global Hint Resolve remove_In_env_order_refl : order.
Expand All @@ -325,7 +321,7 @@ Proof. intros Hlt [Hlt' | Heq]. transitivity Γ'; auto with order. now rewrite <
Lemma env_order_le_lt_trans Γ Γ' Γ'' : (Γ ≼ Γ') -> (Γ' ≺ Γ'') -> Γ ≺ Γ''.
Proof. intros [Hlt' | Heq] Hlt. transitivity Γ'; auto with order. now rewrite Heq. Qed.

Lemma remove_In_env_order Δ φ: In φ Δ -> remove form_eq_dec φ Δ ≺ Δ.
Lemma remove_In_env_order Δ φ: In φ Δ -> rm φ Δ ≺ Δ.
intro Hin. apply remove_In_env_order_refl in Hin.
eapply env_order_lt_le_trans; [|apply Hin]. auto with order.
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87 changes: 55 additions & 32 deletions theories/iSL/PropQuantifiers.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Program Definition e_rule {Δ : list form } {ϕ : form}
(θ: form) (Hin : θ ∈ Δ) : form :=
let E Δ H := fst (EA0 (Δ, ϕ) H) in
let A pe0 H := snd (EA0 pe0 H) in
let Δ' := remove form_eq_dec θ Δ in
let Δ' := rm θ Δ in
match θ with
| Bot => ⊥ (* E0 *)
| Var q =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ end.
Referring to Table 5 in Pitts, the definition a_rule_env handles A1-8 and A10,
and the definition a_rule_form handles A9 and A11-13. *)
Program Definition a_rule_env {Δ : list form} {ϕ : form}
(EA0 : ∀ pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form * form)
(EA0 : ∀ pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form * form)
(θ: form) (Hin : θ ∈ Δ) : form :=
let E Δ H := fst (EA0 (Δ, ϕ) H) in
let A pe0 H := snd (EA0 pe0 H) in
let Δ' := remove form_eq_dec θ Δ in
let Δ' := rm θ Δ in
match θ with
| Var q =>
if decide (p = q)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ match θ with
(* using ⊼ here breaks congruence *)

(* make sure that the proof obligations do not depend on EA0 *)
Obligation Tactic := intros Δ ϕ _ _ _; intros; order_tac.
Program Definition a_rule_form {Δ : list form} {ϕ : form}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ Lemma e_rule_vars Δ (θ : form) (Hin : θ ∈ Δ) (ϕ : form)
(occurs_in x (fst (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x ≠ p ∧ ∃ θ, θ ∈ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ) /\
(occurs_in x (snd (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x ≠ p ∧ (occurs_in x pe.2 \/ ∃ θ, θ ∈ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ))) :
occurs_in x (e_rule EA0 θ Hin) -> x ≠ p ∧ ∃ θ, θ ∈ Δ /\ occurs_in x θ.
destruct θ; unfold e_rule; simpl; try tauto; try solve [repeat case decide; repeat vars_tac].
destruct θ1; repeat case decide; repeat vars_tac.
Expand All @@ -297,7 +298,7 @@ Lemma a_rule_env_vars Δ θ Hin ϕ
(occurs_in x (fst (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x ≠ p ∧ ∃ θ, θ ∈ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ) /\
(occurs_in x (snd (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x ≠ p ∧ (occurs_in x pe.2 \/ ∃ θ, θ ∈ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ))):
occurs_in x (a_rule_env EA0 θ Hin) -> x ≠ p ∧ (occurs_in x ϕ \/ ∃ θ, θ ∈ Δ /\ occurs_in x θ).
destruct θ; unfold a_rule_env; simpl; try tauto; try solve [repeat case decide; repeat vars_tac].
destruct θ1; repeat case decide; repeat vars_tac.
Expand All @@ -309,14 +310,14 @@ Lemma a_rule_form_vars Δ ϕ
(occurs_in x (fst (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x ≠ p ∧ ∃ θ, θ ∈ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ) /\
(occurs_in x (snd (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x ≠ p ∧ (occurs_in x pe.2 \/ ∃ θ, θ ∈ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ))):
occurs_in x (a_rule_form EA0) -> x ≠ p ∧ (occurs_in x ϕ \/ ∃ θ, θ ∈ Δ /\ occurs_in x θ).
destruct ϕ; unfold a_rule_form; simpl; try tauto; try solve [repeat case decide; repeat vars_tac].

Proposition EA_vars Δ ϕ x:
(occurs_in x (E (Δ, ϕ)) -> x <> p /\ ∃ θ, θ ∈ Δ /\ occurs_in x θ) /\
(occurs_in x (A (Δ, ϕ)) -> x <> p /\ (occurs_in x ϕ \/ (∃ θ, θ ∈ Δ /\ occurs_in x θ))).
remember (Δ, ϕ) as pe.
replace Δ with pe.1 by now subst.
replace ϕ with pe.2 by now subst. clear Heqpe Δ ϕ. revert pe.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,52 +360,74 @@ Section EntailmentCorrect.
Hint Extern 5 (?a ≺ ?b) => order_tac : proof.
Opaque make_disj.
Opaque make_conj.

(* TODO move *)
Lemma list_to_set_disj_rm Δ v: (list_to_set_disj Δ : env) ∖ {[v]} = list_to_set_disj (rm v Δ).

Lemma list_to_set_disj_env_add Δ v: ((list_to_set_disj Δ : env) • v : env)≡ list_to_set_disj (v :: Δ).

Lemma list_to_set_disj_open_boxes Δ: ((⊗ (list_to_set_disj Δ)) ≡ list_to_set_disj (map open_box Δ)).

Local Ltac l_tac :=
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (list_to_set_disj_env_add _ _) _ _ eq_refl)
|| rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (list_to_set_disj_env_add _ _)) _ _ eq_refl)
|| rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (list_to_set_disj_env_add _ _))) _ _ eq_refl)
|| rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (list_to_set_disj_env_add _ _)))) _ _ eq_refl)
|| rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (list_to_set_disj_open_boxes _)))) _ _ eq_refl).

Lemma a_rule_env_spec (Δ : list form) θ ϕ Hin (EA0 : ∀ pe, (pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)) → form * form)
(HEA : forall Δ ϕ Hpe, (list_to_set_disj Δ ⊢ fst (EA0 (Δ, ϕ) Hpe)) * (list_to_set_disj Δ• snd(EA0 (Δ, ϕ) Hpe) ⊢ ϕ)) :
(list_to_set_disj Δ•a_rule_env EA0 θ Hin ⊢ ϕ).
(HEA : forall Δ ϕ Hpe, (list_to_set_disj Δ ⊢ fst (EA0 (Δ, ϕ) Hpe)) * (list_to_set_disj Δ• snd(EA0 (Δ, ϕ) Hpe) ⊢ ϕ)) :
(list_to_set_disj Δ • a_rule_env EA0 θ Hin ⊢ ϕ).
Proof with (auto with proof).
assert (HE := λ Δ0 ϕ0 Hpe, fst (HEA Δ0 ϕ0 Hpe)).
assert (HA := λ Δ0 ϕ0 Hpe, snd (HEA Δ0 ϕ0 Hpe)).
clear HEA.
destruct θ; exhibit Hin 1.
assert(Hi : θ ∈ list_to_set_disj Δ) by now apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj.
destruct θ; exhibit Hi 1; rewrite list_to_set_disj_rm in *.
- simpl; case decide; intro Hp.
+ subst. case_decide; subst; auto with proof.
+ exch 0...
- constructor 2.
- simpl; exch 0. apply AndL. exch 1; exch 0...
- simpl; exch 0. apply AndL. exch 1; exch 0. do 2 l_tac...
- apply make_conj_sound_L.
exch 0. apply OrL; exch 0.
+ apply AndL. apply make_impl_sound_L. exch 0. apply make_impl_sound_L... (* uses imp_cut *)
+ apply AndL. apply make_impl_sound_L. exch 0. apply make_impl_sound_L. auto with proof.
+ apply AndL. apply make_impl_sound_L. exch 0. apply make_impl_sound_L.
l_tac. apply ImpL...
+ apply AndL. l_tac. apply make_impl_sound_L. exch 0. apply make_impl_sound_L...
- destruct θ1.
+ simpl; case decide; intro Hp.
* subst. case decide.
-- intros Hp.
assert(Hin' : (p → θ2) ∈ Δ ∖ {[Var p]})
by (rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference' _ _ Hp) in Hin; ms).
assert (Hin'' : Var p ∈ Δ ∖ {[p → θ2]}) by now apply in_difference.
exhibit Hin'' 2. exch 0; exch 1. apply ImpLVar.
exch 1. exch 0. peapply HA. rewrite <- difference_singleton by trivial. reflexivity.
assert (Hin'' : Var p ∈ (list_to_set_disj (rm (p → θ2) Δ) : env)).
(rewrite <- list_to_set_disj_rm; apply in_difference; try easy; now apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj).
exhibit Hin'' 2. exch 0; exch 1. apply ImpLVar. exch 0. backward.
rewrite env_add_remove. exch 0. l_tac...
-- intro; constructor 2.
* apply make_conj_sound_L. constructor 4. exch 0. exch 1. exch 0. apply ImpLVar.
exch 0. apply weakening. exch 0...
exch 0. exch 1. l_tac. apply weakening...
+ constructor 2.
+ simpl; exch 0. apply ImpLAnd. apply make_impl_complete_L2. exch 0...
+ simpl; exch 0. apply ImpLOr. exch 1. exch 0...
+ simpl; exch 0. apply ImpLAnd. exch 0. l_tac...
+ simpl; exch 0. apply ImpLOr. exch 1. l_tac. exch 0. l_tac...
+ apply make_conj_sound_L. exch 0. apply ImpLImp; exch 0.
* apply AndL. exch 0. apply make_impl_sound_L. exch 0...
* apply AndL. exch 0. apply weakening, HA.
* apply AndL. exch 0. apply make_impl_sound_L. l_tac. exch 0...
* apply AndL. exch 0. l_tac. apply weakening, HA.
+ exch 0. exch 0. simpl. apply AndL. exch 1; exch 0. apply ImpBox.
* box_tac. box_tac. exch 0; exch 1; exch 0. apply weakening. exch 1; exch 0.
apply make_impl_sound_L. apply ImpL.
apply make_impl_sound_L. do 3 l_tac. apply ImpL.
-- auto with proof.
-- apply HA.
* exch 1; exch 0. apply weakening. exch 0. auto with proof.
* exch 1; exch 0. apply weakening. exch 0. l_tac. auto with proof.
- auto with proof.

Proposition entail_correct Δ ϕ : (Δ ⊢ E (Δ, ϕ)) * (Δ•A (Δ, ϕ) ⊢ ϕ).
Proof. Admitted.
remember (Δ, ϕ) as pe.
replace Δ with pe.1 by now subst.
replace ϕ with pe.2 by now subst. clear Heqpe Δ ϕ. revert pe.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -475,7 +498,7 @@ Section PropQuantCorrect.

(** E's second argument is mostly irrelevant and is only there for uniform treatment with A *)
Lemma E_irr ϕ' Δ ϕ : E (Δ, ϕ) = E (Δ, ϕ').
remember ((Δ, ϕ) : pointed_env) as pe.
replace Δ with pe.1 by now subst.
replace ϕ with pe.2 by now subst. clear Heqpe Δ ϕ.
Expand All @@ -492,7 +515,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma E_left {Γ} {θ} {Δ} {φ φ'} (Hin : φ ∈ Δ) :
(Γ•e_rule (λ pe (_ : pe ≺· (Δ, φ')), EA pe) φ Hin) ⊢ θ ->
Γ•E (Δ, φ') ⊢ θ.
intro Hp. rewrite E_eq.
destruct (@in_map_in _ _ _ (e_rule (λ pe (_ : pe ≺· (Δ, φ')), EA pe)) _ Hin) as [Hin' Hrule].
eapply conjunction_L.
Expand All @@ -503,7 +526,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma A_right {Γ} {Δ} {φ φ'} (Hin : φ ∈ Δ) :
Γ ⊢ a_rule_env (λ pe (_ : pe ≺· (Δ, φ')), EA pe) φ Hin ->
Γ ⊢ A (Δ, φ').
Proof. intro Hp. rewrite A_eq.
Proof. intro Hp. rewrite A_eq.
destruct (@in_map_in _ _ _ (a_rule_env (λ pe (_ : pe ≺· (Δ, φ')), EA pe)) _ Hin) as [Hin' Hrule].
eapply make_disj_sound_R, OrR1, disjunction_R.
- exact Hrule.
Expand All @@ -514,7 +537,7 @@ Qed.
Proposition pq_correct Γ Δ ϕ: (∀ φ0, φ0 ∈ Γ -> ¬ occurs_in p φ0) -> (Γ ⊎ Δ ⊢ ϕ) ->
(¬ occurs_in p ϕ -> Γ•E (Δ, ϕ) ⊢ ϕ) *
(Γ•E (Δ, ϕ) ⊢ A (Δ, ϕ)).
(* we want to use an E rule *)
Ltac Etac := foldEA; intros; match goal with | Hin : ?a ∈ ?Δ |- _•E (?Δ, _) ⊢ _=> apply (E_left Hin); unfold e_rule end.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -863,7 +886,7 @@ Open Scope type_scope.
Lemma E_of_empty p φ : E p (∅, φ) = (Implies Bot Bot).
rewrite E_eq. rewrite in_map_empty. now unfold conjunction, nodup, foldl.
Expand All @@ -879,7 +902,7 @@ Theorem iSL_uniform_interpolation p V: p ∉ V ->
* (vars_incl (Af p φ) V)
* ({[Af p φ]} ⊢ φ)
* (∀ θ, vars_incl θ V -> {[θ]} ⊢ φ -> {[θ]} ⊢ Af p φ).
intros Hp φ Hvarsφ; repeat split.
+ intros x Hx. apply (EA_vars p _ ⊥ x) in Hx.
Expand Down

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