ULLAR, named after ular, which means snakes in the Indonesian language, stands for an Ultrafast, scaLable, Accessible, and Reproducible pipeline for phylogenomics. Our goal with ULLAR is to develop a lightweight and scalable pipeline that requires a minimal learning curve. In addition to Linux and MacOS, the typical supported operating systems for bioinformatics, whenever possible, ULLAR will run natively on Windows.
ULLAR is currently under development. We are working on the pipeline's core components. You should expect command changes in the future release. If you use ULLAR in publication, we recommend stating the exact version of the app. For manual compilation, we recommend to also state the commit hash number. For example, ULLAR v0.3.0 (commit: f18ac98)
You can try the pipeline by following the installation guide below. This guideline assume familiarity of using command line app and basic bioinformatics tools.
Currently, ULLAR installation requires Rust. Follow Rust installation guide here. After installing Rust, you can install ULLAR using cargo:
cargo install --git https://github.com/hhandika/ullar.git
Another option is to install ULLAR pre-compiled binary. You can download the latest release from the release page. Available binaries:
OS | Download |
Linux | Intel/AMD 64-bit or Many Linux Intel/AMD 64-bit |
Windows | Intel/AMD 64-bit |
MacOS | Intel or M series |
Install ULLAR like installing any single executable binary. For example, in Linux:
tar -xvf ullar-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
Copy to your bin directory such as /usr/local/bin
sudo cp ullar /usr/local/bin
or our home directory that is in the PATH if you don't have root access:
cp ullar ~/bin
SEGUL provide a detailed installation guide on installing Rust based software here
Feature | Dependencies |
Raw read cleaning | Fastp |
De novo assembly | SPAdes |
Reference mapping | LASTZ |
Sequence alignment | MAFFT |
ML phylogeny (in development) | IQ-TREE |
MSC phylogeny (in development) | ASTER |
Data cleaning | SEGUL |
Summary statistics (in development) | SEGUL |
NOTE: Summary statistics and other data cleaning feature is under development, but you can install SEGUL separately. Check out SEGUL documentation here
You can check if you have the dependencies installed by running the following commands:
ullar deps check
If you don't have the dependencies installed, you can install by following the instructions on the links provided above.
Check ULLAR installation:
ullar --version
ullar new -d /raw_read_dir
To check the config file:
cat configs/clean_read.yaml
For more descriptive names, you can use the --sample-name descriptive
ullar new /raw_read_dir --sample-name descriptive
Example of descriptive names:
- sample1_Species1_R1.fastq.gz
- sample1_Species1_R2.fastq.gz
- genus1_species1_locality_R1.fastq.gz
- genus1_species1_locality_R2.fastq.gz
- genus1_species2_locality_R1.fastq.gz
- genus1_species2_locality_R2.fastq.gz
If your file naming is simple, you can use the --sample-name simple
ullar new /raw_read_dir --sample-name simple
Example of simple names:
- sample1_R1.fastq.gz
- sample1_R2.fastq.gz
You can also supply your own regular expression to extract the sample name:
ullar new /raw_read_dir --re-sample='([a-zA-Z0-9]+)_R1.fastq.gz'
ullar clean init -c configs/read_cleaning.yaml
To run the cleaning process:
ullar clean run -c configs/read_cleaning.yaml
It will first check the config file and the hash values match the raw reads. For a fresh run, you can skip the hash check:
ullar clean -c configs/read_cleaning.yaml --skip-config-check
ULLAR uses SPAdes for de novo assembly. To run the assembly:
ullar assemble -c configs/denovo_assembly.yaml
ULLAR uses LASTZ for reference mapping. To run the reference mapping:
ullar map run -c configs/reference_mapping.yaml
ULLAR uses MAFFT for sequence alignment. To run the sequence alignment:
ullar align run -c configs/sequence_alignment.yaml