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How to cancel ❌

Violet Forest edited this page Oct 21, 2021 · 5 revisions


1: (verb) to take your NFT off the market

Let’s say I want set my OBJKTs as “not for sale”.

  1. Make sure your wallet is synced
  2. Click on [listings] and then [cancel]. This will send the OBJKTs back to your wallet. Check your wallet for confirmation. The objkts will be sent back from the escrow wallet to your wallet.
  3. Now that they are back in your wallet, you can [swap] them again.

If you want to delete your OBJKT, continue to How to burn 🔥

Important: If you try to [swap] on OBJKTs that are currently for sale, your wallet will throw a warning saying that you have insufficient funds. This is because you already sent your OBJKTs to the escrow wallet in the first swap. You need to [cancel] to get the OBJKTs back in your wallet, and then you can [swap] them again.

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