This Ansible role provides a setup for GitLab CI in Openstack.
gitlab_runner_version: 15.3.0
The version of GitLab-Runner to install.
gitlab_runner_apt_repo: "deb{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}/ {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main"
If this is specified the package will be installed from a .deb
If ://
is in the path, Ansible will attempt to download deb before installing.
gitlab_runner_deb_file: ""
Identifier of GPG key that was used to sign the packages.
gitlab_gpg_key_id: "F6403F6544A38863DAA0B6E03F01618A51312F3F"
A list to specify expired GPG keys that should be absent.
gitlab_gpg_old_key_ids: []
The repository URL where to install the packages from.
gitlab_runner_concurrent: 1
Limits how many jobs can run concurrently. The maximum number is all defined runners.
does not mean unlimited.
gitlab_runner_install_docker: true
Decide wether to install Docker via
geerlingguy.docker role.
Docker is required for the docker
executor but not for the
gitlab_runner_docker_machine_binary_url: ""
The URL where to download the docker-machine binary file from.
gitlab_runner_docker_machine_binary_checksum: "sha256:dc92e2d2a293d66545eb0719d4816d5ebc7ac9ba5495823bbf4eb01c6da37a6e"
The checksum of the downloaded docker-machine binary. This must correspond to the file downloaded via the
The URL to the configuration transpiler binary that shall be used.
gitlab_runner_transpiler_binary_checksum: "sha256:31f4c3bd2219ba82b743bcbb4afab34a3e11e8a6512cefef407d9b6da0192adb"
The checksum of the download transpiler binary. This must correspond to the file
downloaded via the gitlab_runner_transpiler_binary_url
The DNS nameservers to be used by the Openstack Flatcar virtual machine.
gitlab_runner_registry_mirror: "https://registry-mirror.example"
(Optional) The Docker registry mirror to be used.
gitlab_runner_mtu: 1450
Configure the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) for the docker daemon in Flatcar
linux running in Openstack. The default of 1450 is proven to work for default
Openstack configurations. If you have a different setup, feel free to update
this value.
Please note: This value can cause strange network issues if not configured
gitlab_runner_ssh_public_key: "./files/"
gitlab_runner_ssh_private_key: "./files/id_ed25519"
The (optional) file path to the SSH key pair on the Ansible controller used for
communicating with Runners. If this is left empty the role creates a new SSH
key pair at /etc/gitlab-runner/gitlab_runner_key(.pub)
gitlab_runner_ssh_key_type: "ed25519"
Specifies the type of SSH key to create. The possible values are ed25519
(default), ecdsa
or rsa
gitlab_runner_ssh_private_key_path: "/etc/gitlab-runner/gitlab_runner_key"
gitlab_runner_ssh_public_key_path: "/etc/gitlab-runner/"
The file paths to the SSH key pair on the Runner host.
In order to register a runner with the GitLab instance of your choice, you need
to edit the gitlab_runner_list
variable and add a list entry.
Each list entry corresponds to one registered GitLab-Runner.
Below table lists and describes all available configuration options you can specify for registering your GitLab-Runner with this Ansible role.
Key | Example | Description |
name |
"my-docker-runner" |
The name of the registered runner. |
url |
"" |
The URL of the GitLab instance you want to register the runner with. |
description |
"My first Docker runner" |
Description of the runner. |
registration_token |
The registration token required to register the runner. |
tags |
["docker", "hifis"] |
List of runner tags. |
executor |
docker |
Specify, the runner executor. |
environment |
Append or overwrite environment variables. |
docker_image |
"python:3.8" |
Specify the default docker image to be used. Required for docker and docker+machine executor. |
docker_volumes |
["/cache", "/certs/client"] |
Additional volumes that should be mounted. Same syntax as the Docker -v flag. |
docker_shm_size |
2147483648 |
Shared memory size for images (in bytes). Default is 0 resulting in a fallback to the Docker default. |
docker_privileged |
False |
Specify, if the container runs in privileged mode (insecure). Default is False . |
docker_tls_verify |
True |
Specify, if TLS connections to the Docker daemon should be verified. Default is False . |
run_untagged |
False |
Specify, if the runner can run jobs without tags. |
locked |
True |
Specify, whether the runner is locked to the current project. |
limit |
0 |
Limit how many jobs can be handled concurrently by this token. Default is 0 (no limit). |
machine_driver |
"openstack" |
The driver to use when creating the machine via docker-machine . |
machine_name |
"auto-scale-%s" |
The machine name template. (You need to include %s ). |
machine_options |
See the machine example. | Additional machine creation options. |
machine_idle_count |
2 |
Number of machines that need to be created and waiting in Idle state. Default is 0 . |
machine_idle_time |
1800 |
Time (in seconds) for machine to be in Idle state before it is removed. Default is 0 . |
machine_max_growth_rate |
1 |
The maximum number of machines that can be added to the runner in parallel. Default is 0 (no limit). |
machine_max_builds |
1 |
Maximum job (build) count before machine is removed. Default is 0 . |
cache_type |
"s3" |
Type of caching to use. Currently only s3 is supported by this role. |
cache_server_address |
"" |
A host:port for the S3-compatible server. |
cache_access_key |
"key" |
The access key specified for your S3 instance.. |
cache_secret_key |
"secret" |
The secret key specified for your S3 instance. |
cache_bucket_name |
"bucket-name" |
Name of the storage bucket where cache is stored. |
cache_insecure |
"false" |
Set to "true" if the S3 service is available by HTTP. Default is "false" . |
- name: "my-docker-runner"
url: ""
description: "My first Docker runner via Ansible."
registration_token: ${REGISTRATION_TOKEN}
tags: ["docker", "hifis"]
executor: "docker"
environment: ["CI_CPUS=8", "DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR=/certs"]
docker_image: "python:3.8"
docker_volumes: ["/cache", "/certs/client"]
run_untagged: False
locked: True
limit: 5
# Optional cache configuration, only S3 is supported for now
cache_type: "s3"
cache_server_address: "https://cache.example"
cache_access_key: "key"
cache_secret_key: "secret"
cache_bucket_name: "bucket"
cache_insecure: "false"
For registering a runner using the Docker backend, a sample configuration is given above. Therefore, you need to obtain a registration token. This can be either done on an instance, a group or a project level. Visit the GitLab documentation for further information. In a production setup, please make sure to encrypt the token using Ansible Vault.
- name: "test01"
url: ""
description: "Molecule test runner"
registration_token: "REGISTRATION_TOKEN"
executor: "docker+machine"
docker_image: "python:3.8"
docker_volumes: ["/cache", "/certs/client"]
tags: ["docker", "hifis"]
run_untagged: False
locked: True
machine_idle_count: 2
machine_idle_time: 3600
machine_max_growth_rate: 2
machine_max_builds: 5
machine_driver: "openstack"
machine_name: "auto-scale-%s"
- "openstack-auth-url=https://openstack.example:5000/v3"
- "openstack-image-id=73f07dd3-fa8b-468f-b6bc-b0cd4510f5d0"
- "openstack-flavor-name=m1.small"
- "openstack-net-id=7834deeb-8bd5-4fc7-b35b-24035d8f47a7"
- "openstack-username=gitlab-runner"
- "openstack-password=secret"
- "openstack-tenant-id=123456"
- "openstack-domain-name=default"
- "openstack-ssh-user=core"
- "openstack-sec-groups=Internal"
- "openstack-keypair-name=runners-internal"
- "openstack-private-key-file=/etc/gitlab-runner/gitlab_runner_key"
- "openstack-user-data-file=/etc/gitlab-runner/ignition.json"
- "openstack-active-timeout=300"
- "engine-registry-mirror=https://registry-mirror.example"
The most important changes compared to the docker runner registration is the
configuration of docker-machine.
Therefore, a suitable configuration for the
driver of your choice needs to be
This project focuses on providing the best integration with Openstack but is
probably not limited to that.
The Openstack driver lists all possible configuration options that can be
specified via machine_options
If the Docker-MTU does not match 1500 which is very often the case for Openstack installations, certain additional configuration is required. Please make sure to add
"engine-opt=mtu={{ gitlab_runner_mtu }}"
to the list of your runner's machine_options
needs to be set to the correct value.
Also you can configure Docker-in-Docker to make use of a registry mirror by
setting gitlab_runner_registry_mirror
to the required value.
This is optional.
To make this all work you finally need to mount a file in your runner volume configuration by adding
to the list of configured volumes
GitLab-Runner for Openstack depends on docker-machine
requiring docker to be available on the system.
- Docker - geerlingguy.docker
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }
This role was created by HIFIS Software Services.