This plugin is end of support
This plugin is does Slack with Vim.
This plugin is using vital.vim.
If you using dein.vim.
Please describe in your vimrc.
call dein#add('higashi000/sarahck.vim')
If you using vim-plug.
Please describe in your vimrc.
Plug 'higashi000/sarahck.vim'
Get your Slack legacy token, and please describe in vimscript file as follows
Then load it with your vimrc.
let g:slackToken = "Your Token"
Please don't publish this token. If you publish this token, your account may be hijacked.
Sorry, this function can only be used after Vim8.1.1594.
:SarahckDispChannel channelName
:SarahckCreateChannel channelName
※Sorry, this function can only be used after Vim8.1.1594.
Please display channel message on popup window.
After, you choose timestamp wanting to do add reaction.
※Sorry, this function can only be used after Vim8.1.1594.
- channel list
- DM List
- choice check history or send message
- DM History and Channel History