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Tom Brasington edited this page Jan 6, 2014 · 1 revision

The csv library provides basic support for manipulating comma-separated value (CSV) files.


// First import the csv module:
var csv = require('lib/csv');

Writing CSV files:

// Create a new CSV spreadsheet object
sheet = new csv.CSV();

// Data can be added to the spread sheet row by row
sheet.addRow(['name', 'age', 'sex']);
sheet.addRow(['Alice', '19', 'F']);
sheet.addRow(['Bob', '22', 'M']);
sheet.addRow(['Kirby', '1', 'N/A']);

// You can set individual cell values directly using the setCell method
// This will change Alice's name to Anna:
sheet.setCell(1, 0, 'Anna');

// Rows can also be directly addressed with the setRow method
// This replaces the last row:
sheet.setRow(3, ['John', '35', 'M']);

// Write the data to a CSV file

Reading CSV files:

// Read a spreadsheet from a CSV file
sheet = csv.readFile('data.csv');

// Prints 4

// Prints 'John'
print(sheet.getCell(3, 0));
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