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Software dependencies for building HIME
Vdragon edited this page Dec 22, 2012
12 revisions
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除了編譯工具外,編譯 HIME 需要以下套件:
Besides building tools, some dependencies are required as follow:
軟體套件庫(發行板)分類 Software Package Repository (distribution) Categories |
必要軟體套件 Compulsory software packages |
QT3/4輸入法模組(選用,基於Qt的應用程式與K桌面環境(KDE)需要此模組) QT3/4 IM module(optional, needed for applications based on Qt and K Desktop Environment(KDE)) |
日本語入力(選用) Anthy input method support(optional) |
新酷音輸入法支援(選用) Chewing input method support(optional) |
Arch based (Pacman) (Arch Linux, Chakra) | libxtst gtk2/gtk3 |
qt3/qt | anthy | libchewing |
Debian based (dpkg) (Debian, Ubuntu+, Linux Mint+, EasyPeasy) | libxtst-dev libgtk2.0-dev/libgtk-3-dev |
libqt3-mt-dev / libqt4-dev |
libanthy-dev | libchewing3-dev |
Red Hat based (RPM) (RedHat, Fedora, openSUSE) | libXtst-devel gtk2-devel/gtk3-devel |
qt3-devel/qt-devel | anthy-devel | libchewing-devel |
Gentoo based (Portage) (Gentoo) | libXtst gtk+ |
(Unknown) | anthy | libchewing |
Key: '+': For using AppIndicator (tray currently for Unity Desktop Environment) in Ubuntu based distros, install libappindicator-dev (GTK+2) or libappindicator3-dev (GTK+3) package.
上述軟體套件於build HIME完成後即可安全移除以釋放磁碟空間(被其他軟體套件依賴例外)。
Software packages mentioned above can be safely remove after Building HIME to free disk space(exeption:depended by other software packages).