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board: add esp32-s2 and esp32-s3 support
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Signed-off-by: Thomas Chou <[email protected]>
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hippo5329 committed Mar 6, 2024
1 parent 70b0d00 commit f223fec
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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -434,6 +434,27 @@ Echo IMU data:

ros2 topic echo /imu/data

## USB ports on esp32-s2 and esp32-s3

The esp32-s2 and esp32-s3 have onchip USB CDC devices, which will be faster than USB uart bridge like CP2102. They will become default serial port /dev/ttyACM0 when enabled with the ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT build flag. But the serial driver of esp32-s2 has issue with micro-ROS serial transport, though there is no problem with wifi transport. There may be two USB ports on the dev boards, one marked as "USB" (the onchip CDC) and the other marked as "COM" (the usb uart bridge). You should use the one marked as "USB" for esp32-s3. And use "COM" for esp32-s2. If there is only one USB port, you should check the schematic to find out which is connected.


- USB - /dev/ttyACM0 default, enabled with the ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT build flag
- COM - /dev/ttyACM0


- USB - /dev/ttyACM0 no use, enabled with the ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT build flag, but not stable with micro-ROS.
- COM - /dev/ttyUSB0 default

Build flag,

build_flags =
-I ../config

## Use esp32 with micro-ROS wifi transport, OTA, syslog and Lidar UDP transport

The WIFI capability of the esp32 can be used to build low-cost mobile robots with navigation control under ROS2.
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions config/config.h
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Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,14 @@
#include "custom/esp32_config.h"

#include "custom/esp32s2_config.h"

#include "custom/esp32s3_config.h"

#include "custom/pico_config.h"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions config/custom/esp32_config.h
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Expand Up @@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ ROBOT ORIENTATION

#define MOTOR1_PWM -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR1_IN_A 19 // Pin no 21 is not a PWM pin on Teensy 4.x, you can use pin no 1 instead.
#define MOTOR1_IN_B 18 // Pin no 20 is not a PWM pin on Teensy 4.x, you can use pin no 0 instead.
#define MOTOR1_IN_A 19
#define MOTOR1_IN_B 18

#define MOTOR2_PWM -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR2_IN_A 16
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237 changes: 237 additions & 0 deletions config/custom/esp32s2_config.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Juan Miguel Jimeno
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#ifndef ESP32S2_CONFIG_H
#define ESP32S2_CONFIG_H

#define LED_PIN LED_BUILTIN //used for debugging status

//uncomment the base you're building
#define LINO_BASE DIFFERENTIAL_DRIVE // 2WD and Tracked robot w/ 2 motors
// #define LINO_BASE SKID_STEER // 4WD robot
// #define LINO_BASE MECANUM // Mecanum drive robot

//uncomment the motor driver you're using
// #define USE_GENERIC_2_IN_MOTOR_DRIVER // Motor drivers with 2 Direction Pins(INA, INB) and 1 PWM(ENABLE) pin ie. L298, L293, VNH5019
// #define USE_GENERIC_1_IN_MOTOR_DRIVER // Motor drivers with 1 Direction Pin(INA) and 1 PWM(ENABLE) pin.
#define USE_BTS7960_MOTOR_DRIVER // BTS7970 Motor Driver using A4950 (<40V) module or DRV8833 (<10V)
// #define USE_ESC_MOTOR_DRIVER // Motor ESC for brushless motors

//uncomment the IMU you're using
// #define USE_GY85_IMU
#define USE_MPU6050_IMU
// #define USE_MPU9150_IMU
// #define USE_MPU9250_IMU
// #define USE_QMI8658_IMU
// #define USE_HMC5883L_MAG
// #define USE_AK8963_MAG
// #define USE_AK8975_MAG
// #define USE_AK09918_MAG
// #define USE_QMC5883L_MAG
// #define MAG_BIAS { 0, 0, 0 }

#define K_P 0.6 // P constant
#define K_I 0.8 // I constant
#define K_D 0.5 // D constant


//define your robot' specs here
#define MOTOR_MAX_RPM 150 // motor's max RPM
#define MAX_RPM_RATIO 0.85 // max RPM allowed for each MAX_RPM_ALLOWED = MOTOR_MAX_RPM * MAX_RPM_RATIO
#define MOTOR_OPERATING_VOLTAGE 12 // motor's operating voltage (used to calculate max RPM)
#define MOTOR_POWER_MAX_VOLTAGE 12 // max voltage of the motor's power source (used to calculate max RPM)
#define MOTOR_POWER_MEASURED_VOLTAGE 12 // current voltage reading of the power connected to the motor (used for calibration)
#define COUNTS_PER_REV1 450 // wheel1 encoder's no of ticks per rev
#define COUNTS_PER_REV2 450 // wheel2 encoder's no of ticks per rev
#define COUNTS_PER_REV3 450 // wheel3 encoder's no of ticks per rev
#define COUNTS_PER_REV4 450 // wheel4 encoder's no of ticks per rev
#define WHEEL_DIAMETER 0.0560 // wheel's diameter in meters
#define LR_WHEELS_DISTANCE 0.224 // distance between left and right wheels
#define PWM_BITS 12 // PWM Resolution of the microcontroller
#define PWM_FREQUENCY 100 // PWM Frequency

#define MOTOR1_ENCODER_INV false
#define MOTOR2_ENCODER_INV false
#define MOTOR3_ENCODER_INV false
#define MOTOR4_ENCODER_INV false

#define MOTOR1_INV false
#define MOTOR2_INV false
#define MOTOR3_INV false
#define MOTOR4_INV false

#define MOTOR1_ENCODER_A 4
#define MOTOR1_ENCODER_B 5

#define MOTOR2_ENCODER_A 6
#define MOTOR2_ENCODER_B 7

#define MOTOR3_ENCODER_A 39
#define MOTOR3_ENCODER_B 40

#define MOTOR4_ENCODER_A 41
#define MOTOR4_ENCODER_B 42

#define MOTOR1_PWM 21 //Pin no 21 is not a PWM pin on Teensy 4.x, you can swap it with pin no 1 instead.
#define MOTOR1_IN_A 20
#define MOTOR1_IN_B 1

#define MOTOR2_PWM 5
#define MOTOR2_IN_A 6
#define MOTOR2_IN_B 8

#define MOTOR3_PWM 22
#define MOTOR3_IN_A 23
#define MOTOR3_IN_B 0

#define MOTOR4_PWM 4
#define MOTOR4_IN_A 3
#define MOTOR4_IN_B 2

#define PWM_MAX pow(2, PWM_BITS) - 1
#define PWM_MIN -PWM_MAX

#define MOTOR1_PWM 21 //Pin no 21 is not a PWM pin on Teensy 4.x, you can use pin no 1 instead.
#define MOTOR1_IN_A 20
#define MOTOR1_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR2_PWM 5
#define MOTOR2_IN_A 6
#define MOTOR2_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR3_PWM 22
#define MOTOR3_IN_A 23
#define MOTOR3_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR4_PWM 4
#define MOTOR4_IN_A 3
#define MOTOR4_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define PWM_MAX pow(2, PWM_BITS) - 1
#define PWM_MIN -PWM_MAX

#define MOTOR1_PWM -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR1_IN_A 10
#define MOTOR1_IN_B 11

#define MOTOR2_PWM -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR2_IN_A 12
#define MOTOR2_IN_B 13

#define MOTOR3_PWM -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR3_IN_A 14
#define MOTOR3_IN_B 15

#define MOTOR4_PWM -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR4_IN_A 16
#define MOTOR4_IN_B 17

#define PWM_MAX pow(2, PWM_BITS) - 1
#define PWM_MIN -PWM_MAX

#define MOTOR1_PWM 21 //Pin no 21 is not a PWM pin on Teensy 4.x. You can use pin no 1 instead.
#define MOTOR1_IN_A -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR1_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR2_PWM 5
#define MOTOR2_IN_A -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR2_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR3_PWM 22
#define MOTOR3_IN_A -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR3_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR4_PWM 4
#define MOTOR4_IN_A -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR4_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define PWM_MAX 400
#define PWM_MIN -PWM_MAX

// #define USE_WIFI_TRANSPORT // use micro ros wifi transport
#define AGENT_IP { 192, 168, 1, 100 } // eg IP of the desktop computer
#define AGENT_PORT 8888
// Enable WiFi with null terminated list of multiple APs SSID and password
#define WIFI_MONITOR 2 // min. period to send wifi signal strength to syslog
// #define USE_ARDUINO_OTA
// #define USE_SYSLOG
#define SYSLOG_SERVER { 192, 168, 1, 100 } // eg IP of the desktop computer
#define SYSLOG_PORT 514
#define DEVICE_HOSTNAME "esp32s2"
#define APP_NAME "hardware"
// #define USE_LIDAR_UDP
#define LIDAR_RXD 2
// #define LIDAR_PWM 15
#define LIDAR_SERIAL 1 // uart number
#define LIDAR_BAUDRATE 230400
#define LIDAR_SERVER { 192, 168, 1, 100 } // eg IP of the desktop computer
#define LIDAR_PORT 8889
#define BAUDRATE 115200
#define SDA_PIN 8 // specify I2C pins
#define SCL_PIN 9
#define NODE_NAME "esp32s2"
// #define TOPIC_PREFIX "esp32s2/"

// battery voltage ADC pin
#define BATTERY_PIN 1
// 3.3V ref, 12 bits ADC, 33k + 10k voltage divider
// #define USE_ADC_LUT
#ifdef USE_ADC_LUT
const int16_t ADC_LUT[4096] = { /* insert adc_calibrate data here */ };
#define BATTERY_ADJUST(v) (ADC_LUT[v] * (3.3 / 4096 * (33 + 10) / 10 * 1.0))
#define BATTERY_ADJUST(v) ((v) * (3.3 / 4096 * (33 + 10) / 10))
// #define USE_INA219
// #define TRIG_PIN 31 // ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
// #define ECHO_PIN 32
#define USE_SHORT_BRAKE // for shorter stopping distance
// #define WDT_TIMEOUT 60 // Sec
#define BOARD_INIT { \
Wire.begin(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN); \
Wire.setClock(400000); \
// #define BOARD_INIT_LATE {}

#define RCCHECK(fn) { rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; if((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)){ \
syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s RCCHECK failed %d", __FUNCTION__, temp_rc); \
return false; }}
#define RCCHECK(fn) { rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; if((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)){ \
flashLED(3); \
return false; }} // do not block


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