Welcome to the QR Code Node collection for InvokeAI.
With this node, you can encode a simple QR code easily within a single node.
Drag the qrcode.py into your InvokeAI invocations folder (Currently located in your /.venv/Lib/site-packages/invokeai/app/invocations
Open the developer console menu on launching Invoke's script, and run pip install qrcode
to get dependencies installed.
Data: The text or URL you want to encode into a QR code.
Error Correction: The level of error correction ("L", "M", "Q", "H").
Box Size: The size of each box in the QR code grid.
Border: The thickness of the border.
Fill Color: The color of the QR code itself.
Background Color: The background color of the QR code.
How It Works
Simply input the URL or Data you want to convert into a QR code, tweak the settings as you like, and let the node generate a high-quality QR code for you. Once created, the QR code can be integrated into your graph and processed further or saved directly to your gallery.
You will probably want to use this with a ControlNet that can ingest a QR code, like DionTimmer/controlnet_qrcode
The Fill Color and Background Color fields accept RGB tuples for customization.
Special Thanks
The Open-Source Community (especially lincolnloop/python-qrcode) for providing the QR code library this node relies upon.
Recommended Palette
For best results, high-contrast palettes are recommended. For example, black on white, white on black, etc.